Arriving at the house she had been stalking at for so long, this time, Melanie didn't think twice to go straight to the front door of the two storey house and ring the bell. 

          Ding Dong! 

          But it was only silence that invited her then. Feeling uneasy in her heart, Melanie rang the bell several times more and also knocked on the door of the house.

          "Sarah! Are you there?"

          Still no one answered. She even put her ears close to the door to try to hear anything inside but she can't detact any voices.  Melanie started thinking there maybe Sarah was really on vacation or something and it was just her that thinking too much. But of course her phone that was off and no one can reach her is kind a suspicious.

          Feeling defeated, she turned to head towards her car again. In just a few steps there, the feeling of her heart became so strong saying that the girl was in trouble.