"Let's talk outside."

After what Lia asks him, Eun-Woo thinks that it's time for him to tell them about what happened all this time and also who Jieun really is. Because he is convinced that those who are there with him and Jieun are the ones who can be trusted.

"But first, can I know what happen just now?" Eun-Woo asks Lia, who is still holding a bloodstained cloth there.

Lia sighs there a little. Try to calm herself down. 

"I think something happen to her as she bleeding with wound suddenly appear around her hand and neck, but its disappear now. I was so shocked earlier and using this cloth to stop her bleeding but its gone the next I saw her."

Hearing that Eun-Woo and Ray looked towards Jieun who still hadn't woken up there.  Of course, Eun-Woo become more worried after knowing that.

"Adele, who contact me through my mind already confirmed to me that she is alright. So we just need to wait for her to wake up now."