"What? What happen? Where the ship go?" Leo was the first to react to whatever happens now.

"They just disappeared just like that." Lia states the truth, even though she doesn't have to do so as all of them see it happen.

"Can you still hear Prince Eun-Woo, Prince Ray?" Ayana, who was worried about Jieun's safety, was no longer shy to ask the first prince.

Hearing the question, Ray then tries to contact Eun-Woo but no matter how hard he tries he can't.

"I can't hear them anymore." Ray said there. Admit it out loud.

They all continue to feel anxious there. Either way, their safety boat has also disappeared somewhere. While the only ship that was there earlier was gone in the blink of an eye.

"Don't be panic. Let's think." Lia tries to give encouragement there to all of them but mostly to herself.

"Look at that!" Ray suddenly screamed there.