Sin waited impatiently, sitting in his room in the dark, waiting silently. He has waited in his room for a good day, seated in his chair in the dark corner of his room. The fire in his eyesockets extinguished as he sat motionlessly. A rhythmic bell rang in his ear but the room stayed silent, the ringing was in his head.
Sin: "Answer."
A gong came after his answer, and shortly after a flamboyant voice of a woman shouts out, Sin can hear fighting in the background as she grunts from a thrusting motion.
Ven the greater demon: "BOSS, how you doing you bonehead!"
Sin: "I am doing just fine, what about you, it sounds like you are having a swell time."
Ven with exuberance in her voice: "Yeah boss, I am having, *A man screaming*, an amazing time!"
Sin: "I am glad to hear that, so how close are you."
Ven: "About half a day if I kill on my way, but you know me so yeah, a half a day."
Sin: "Sounds great Ven, oh before I forget if you spot an army with the banner of a flaming torch, torch them all to ashes."
Ven: "With pleasure boss."
She ends the spell with a beep, Sin sits silently, waiting for his servants to join him.
Kin and Fin the two ferns
Fin is enjoying the artificial sun in their room as he grows plants with Kin. Kin is tending to an overgrown Venus flytrap, Kin stood at three and a half feet tall as did Fin. The Venus flytrap is planted in the ground and still towered over Kin by two feet. Kin scratched the underbelly of the mouth like it was some sort of dog.
Kin: "There their buddy, I know you are hungry."
Fin observed a new species of plant bloom, a blood flower, it dripped blood instead of pollen. He followed the droplet as it slid down the stem into the ground. A plant sprouted at an alarming rate, and a sunflower rose ten feet in the air fully grown.
Fin: "Wah, Kin I need help over here!"
Kin waves it off and continues feeding his plants, Fin gulps as the sunflower stares down at him.
Fin: "I should speak to the dryads about my discovery."
Kin flips his long green braided hair back turning his head to Fin who is about to be crushed by the sunflower.
Kin: "What are you doing, get out of there!"
Fin rolls out of the way as the Sunflower crumbles to the ground, squashing hundreds of plants.
Fin: "Oops."
Kin turns his head violently to Fin: "Oops, that is all you say after destroying our brothers and sisters."
Fin: "Umm, yeah?"
Kin: "I can't believe you."
Kin puts his right hand over his eyes, clearly stressed by his brother's stupidity. Kin strolls to Fin in a casual non-violent walk, he comes in reach of fin and he smacks him in the back of his head.
Kin: "Dummy, I swear we are not related."
Fin: "Oh yeah, well I am going to marry a dryad and you can marry a weed."
Kin: "Take that back you jerk!"
Fin: "Never!"
Fin runs away and Kin gives chase, sicking vines to catch him. As they run around causing a ruckus, they fail to notice their older sister Din walk into the room with her dark green clothing matching her dark green hair. Fin runs looking behind him, not focusing on what is in front of him bumping into Din. She gave a killer look as she asked clearly holding in her anger with every word.
Din: "Who, did, this."
Both Fin and Kin pointed at each other pinning the blame on each other.
Din: "Well, if both of you did this then I will have to punish you both, luckily for me Sin isn't here to stop me from killing you both."
Two vines pick them up but their legs, lifting them off the ground. Her laugh had an evil overlord tone to it as the vines carried them to the Venus flytrap.
Kin and Fin: "We are sorry, we will never make a mess again!"
Din: "That is what you said the other five times you did this!"
Sin: "Enough!"
Din let out a little yelp as she tossed the two at Sin's feet, she bowed immediately. The ferns also bowed deeply as did every other plant alive in the greenhouse.
Sin: "Did you make any new observations on the new plant I acquired."
Fin: "Yes sir!"
He lifts his head to report his new info, his hand trembles as he hides it by holding it down with his other arm.
Fin: "The flower bleeds instead of pollinating, and that blood gives anything that consumes it rapid growth and aging."
Sin: "That is wonderful news! Stand my little ferns, you have made me proud!"
The three glow up as Sin praises them, the three get to cleaning as Sin opens his gate.
Fin: "He said he was proud of us, I feel so happy."
Din: "You two did well for being a couple of weeds."
Kin: "Hey, take that back!"
Din: "Nope!"
The Three play around as Sin leaves through his portal smiling on the inside.
Sin's Bedchamber
Sin and His Quiet Time
Sin laid in his ginormous bed, in a deep sleep. A ruckus shook the mansion, pulling him from his sleep. He jolted up surveying the area for hostiles. The coast is clear as he slowly lays back down, the second wave of noise commences, and a loud explosion occurs sending Sin upright once again. Sin, now ticked off, gets up from his bed: grumbling as he walks over to his desk. A journal lay on the desk open to a blank page with ink and a pen beside it. Sin dips his pen in the ink and begins to write.
In Sin's head: "Having servants is great but being too kind to them brings its own set of problems, maybe ruling through fear, it may be fruitful."
Sin enjoys himself, writing clears his mind of the tedious chores he has to deal with every day. His writing is cut short as a third quake shakes the mansion crossing a word out my accident, this infuriates Sin to no end, he stands up, shuts his journal, and marches over to his dresser. He puts away his journal in the first drawer, slamming it shut. He stomps around clearly showing anger in his movements as he can't express emotions through facial expressions. A flame started seeping out of his cheeks as he paced back and forth, he calmed himself, keeping his composure before he explodes. Sin tries once again to relax on his luxurious bed, reading a book with his legs crossed. Hmming to himself as he reads, "How to relax" is the title of the book.
Sin: "Huh, hmming is a good way to put yourself to sleep."
Sin was on the verge of sleep until a knock on his door awaken a monster, the fire in his eyes burned bright with rage. Another knock on his door proved too maddening for him; the skeleton storms to the door swinging it open violently. His anger vanished in a blink of an eye, Sun stands before him in her kid form. She does a joyful hop as Sin answers the door.
Sun: "I am bored Sin, can we do something today."
Sin exhausted tone: "No, it is my day off, go play with Moon."
Sun uses her puppy dog eyes: "Please Sin, I am sooooo bored, Moon is sleeping and I don't want to wake her up."
Sin: "But you wake me up, why not her."
Sun: "Yeah well, She is scary when you wake her up."
Sin: "Well what do you want to do, I want to go to sleep so maybe ask Phantom to play with you."
Sun pouted: "Phantom went out on another quest."
Sin: "So you been terrorizing the whole mansion, because you were, bored."
Sun does a little dance: "Yes!"
Sin sighs as she stares at him with her puppy dog eyes.
Sin: "Fine, but we are going to do what I want to do."
She jumps for joy as Sin grabs a backpack from his closet and walks out the door. Sun follows right beside him cavorting, they come to a stop on the edge of the mountain.
Sin: "Gate."
Sin puts his hand forward directing her to move forward.
Sin: "You first."
She walks through warily, reaching for the other side, she finds herself in a forest circling a lake. Sin enters the portal behind her, the tranquil forest deeply calmed Sin as he walked to the edge of the lake sighing aloud.
Sin: "It sure is peaceful ain't it."
Even Sun managed to look calm and peaceful in her kid form. Sin opened a big gate inside the lake, a ferry floated through the portal breaking the stillness of the water as it drifted to him. Sin slow and steady steps on the ferry sitting down. Sun hops on the ferry, rocking it.
Sin: "Ah the quietness of the lake, it is soothing isn't it."
Sun: "Yes master."
Sin picks up a fishing rod, pulling out a glowing rod for Sun as well from a small portal.
Sin: "Take this one, it is fire resistant."
She grips it tightly wooshing it around smacking Sin in the face.
Sin: "Hey watch it!"
Sun: "Sorry about tat."
Sin cast his line into the water making small ripples as it plummets to the bottom, Sun follows Sin's lead casting her line as well. It doesn't go far as Sin's but a great distance for a small child, a big lich, and a small fire spirit, enjoying the lake together, laughing at each other's stories.
Sin: "Remember that time Phantom fell down the stairs."
Sun: Yes! He was so embarrassed about it that he stayed in his room for a week!"
Sin: "Ah yes, good times, you know, both you and Moon are my favorite, also don't tell this to anyone or they would kill me."
She giggled at his comment but pondered about his words of favoritism more. Sun's line begins to pull violently derailing her train of thought, she reeled it in hastily. She rips a fish out of the water catching it with her hands as it flies at her. Sin catches the fishing rod and Sun cooks the fish with her hands.
Sin: "What a way to go, your insides cooked while still alive."
She plops the fish in the boat and Sin hands her back the fishing rod.
Sun: "Hey Sin?"
Sin: "Yeah?"
Sun: "Can we do this again."
Sin with a cheery attitude: "Of course!"
The two sat in silence, fishing away their worries as Sun began to hum a local tune about silent nights.