The New Continent (Reworked Version)

A/N: If your reading this then i welcome you to the reworked version of the New Continent previously this was a 40 chapter fanfic but over the years I have seen that it needed a rework and since i Had basically abandoned it i decided to rework it.

So depending on the support i will release more chapter's but the update scedule will be 1 chapter per week or more depending on how motivated I am.

But anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy and stick around for the story.

Jarvis Maximus woke up under a tree when he looked around all he saw was flatlands and trees. He sat down and processed the situation he was in. After a few minutes he new that he had to be in a new world since he remembered what happened to him.

It was not the usual story of dying to protect someone or being killed by somebody on accident or being murdered while walking on the street.

Instead he was a very powerful person in his previous world. He held the Title of Minister of Defense within the united states government. A very powerful position that brought him a lot of powers and influence, but also enemies.

He had only made it a year into his position before he was killed by his political rivals who wanted him dead.

Even with all the training that he went through by learning 3 different martial arts and maintaining a well toned body he still didn't make it and was killed by an assassin.

Yet here he was in what he thought was a brand new world.

As he was lost in thought about what to do he heard a robotic voice in his head

Ding [Welcome Host I am the Empire building system although I am an empire-building system I can do things that don't involve building an empire]

Hearing this Jarvis should have been surprised but he was an avid reader of isekai anime in his previous world so being in this situation while it was a little surprising he still maintained his calm expression.

'So System I assume I was reincarnated or something like that' Asked Jarvis

[Yes you were but unlike your memories of being reincarnated in another world you are currently still on Earth except you are in a parallel universe where you never existed]

'I see that is interesting as well as the fact that you can see my memories' Said Jarvis

[Being able to see your memories only help to further our relationship so that I can help you better and understand the things that you do and also help you in doing whatever it is you want]

Jarvis didn't mind the fact that the System could do this since that made this situation much better. In his previous life he had ambitions just like any other Person with a high position in the American Government.

His goal was to become president, being the Minister of Defense was just a step in the process that would increase his chance of achieving that goal.

But now that goal was un reachable since he died. But a new goal has appeared before him since now he can gain a position higher than that of President of the United States.

As he recalled the System was an Empire building System which in itself was self-explanatory.

He didn't want to waste time in this new world trying to take in this new situation instead it was better to jump at this situation take advantage.

'Well System since you can see my memories than I want you to go ahead and explain your abilities and whatever else that you need to do'

[Since the Host is to Eager to start his new Life the System will not waste anymore time and will now explain it's abilities]

[Host can buy things from the shop which will be placed in his inventory to be able to use and also you will receive quest and rewards to help increase the speed you expand]

[As of now the Host has access to modern era weapons and can increase the era level by expanding and increasing your population in addition you can also use researchers to advance the tech of your Empire]

[Population can be summoned from the System with the sub ability of making all summoned being's Loyal to the Host]

[For now this is all of the most important information about the system while other abilities will be revealed as time goes on since the Host want's to get right into the action]

Hearing this Jarvis was excited at the benefits that he would receive from the system and being from his former world he had to ask about a starter system since this was something that most system's gave to people.

'So is their any starter pack or something system' Asked Jarvis since he was sure that there had to be one since you can't build an Empire out of nothing

[Yes would you like to open it right now Yes/No]

'Yes' Said Jarvis with no hesitation

[Starter pack opened obtained 1x City (can house 1 million people), 20x personal guards, 100k citizens, and 10k soldiers would you like to place down now as this is the perfect spot to build the capital as it is the middle of the island and has flatlands for miles around]

"Yes place both the city and then place the 100k citizens and 10k soldiers but first spawn my personal guards"

A light shined in front of Jarvis and out came 20 personal guards all wearing black military fatigues and carrying M-16 Rifles each with a black back pack, they all kneeled and spoke "We greet his majesty"

Being called his majesty already Jarvis felt a little too excited and forgot that he was in his mid 40's. But he he didn't feel like it so he looked down for the first time and observed his body.

He looked young, around the age of 18 and had a well toned body just like in his previous life, But he also had red hair which is something that he didn't have in his former life.

He didn't think too much about his new body since it was well above average for what he thought it was going be so he would think about it later and now get back to the real world where he had brand new ideas and goals.

"You may all stand and guard me while I think for a moment" They all moved out and formed a perimeter around him

"System spawn the city and citizens and soldiers please" After that he saw a city being built in the flat area in front of him and around 100k people to his left and 10k to his right all wearing lightly armored black fatigues with a variety of modern weapons.

He ordered the citizens to split into groups so he can who were important figures and those that were just normal citizens.

After 20 min the grouping were finished there were 20k construction workers, 300 scientist, 100 Doctors, 10k farmers, and some other professional people. He ordered them to enter the city and get to work on doing their perspective jobs.

How it works is the people will have already have jobs that will help the city grow based off of the system's calculations.

Also Jarvis had forgot that the people needed to be paid so on the spot he created the name for the currency that he planned to create which was called GP. It was a type of cryptocurrency which could be used with credit cards and phones and the actual paper money was called GP while the Cryptocurrency was called IC(Imperial Credits). He also decided to name his Capital Arcadia.

After the workers and citizens entered the town he looked at the 10k soldiers and told them to go to the barracks that he had seen when spawning the system. He followed the soldiers while being escorted by his guards and went to the palace which was huge. The City was split into 4 parts the residential, the palace, the Military and, and science district. He went directly to the palace and was amazed at how big it was he walked through the gates and had been scanned buy a device so did his guards after it was over a door opened and they went into the building.

He was amazed at how many rooms were there. He went to the elevator and went to the top floor which was his throne room he sat on the throne. At this time he could see hundreds of people all bowing before him inside of the Throne room.

Seeing that he was already thinking about the future he asked the System how strong he was in this new body.

[Host is 5x more powerful than the average human and will continue to get stronger the more you expand your Empire and conquer more land] [Host can also tame queens of hive nests from the Hive bases spread out throughout the island which will help with building and military]

[Hive queens and their people will take on the Hosts appearance with some unique features and will retain all of their former abilities]

'Taming Hive and making them into sentient beings, Nice' Said Jarvis

[Host has also completed a quest to establish your first city do you want to accept rewards now]


[Host has received 100k population, and 5k more soldiers, and also got a special ability called Gods strength which will make you even stronger, also got a General summon and chancellor]

'A General and a Chancellor, now were talking' thought Jarvis since with these two people he can start to develop many administrations early on to develop his Empire.

And with a General he can explore the island since now he can start to maybe fight and tame the Hive queens.

"Spawn the general and chancellor I will save the 100k population for tomorrow, but spawn the 5k soldiers" He then proceeded outside and in-front of the palace was 2 humans who looked rather young and 5k soldiers.

Once they saw him they all kneeled. "You can stand up I want the 5k soldiers patrolling around the city making sure that the people are safe and ensuring no crimes are being committed.

"I will have a barracks built in a day or two for now set up tents for the new soldiers" Ordered Jarvis as another soldier went to relay his command. "And general what is your name" asked Jarvis "My name is Alena your majesty" He then looked at the Chancellor who responded with "My name is Kingsley your Majesty" Jarvis nodded as he proceeded

"Alena I am putting the troops under your command I want you to guard the walls and make sure the city is safe, As for your Kingsley I want you to start to establish various offices for the Government that will oversee all things in the Empire and to also handle all Government affairs but let me handle the important things" They both nodded then left to do there jobs

Jarvis who was feeling a little tired with all the things going had went to his Royal chambers to rest until tomorrow morning.