Supporting the Manchukuo Government

The Manchukuo Prime Minister had arrived at the Arcadia International Airport with his protection detail.

Once he arrived a convoy of Imperial Cars was already waiting on him with Ova as the person in charge to oversee this escort mission.

Ova knew that this was a delicate matter since she had been looking at and observing all of the other countries especially the Japanese Empire.

She knew that this meeting was not only known to the Manchukuo and the Japanese Empire probably caught wind of it and was planning to stop the meeting at all costs. She talked to Jarvis about it and was granted permission to utilize her resources and to escort the Prime Minister.

Ova held no title in the military but she was known as the Emperor's Hand which in itself brought about certain powers that she could exercise if she needed to.

Once the Prime Minister got off of the plane Ova had went to shake his hand.

"Welcome Prime Minister my name is Ova" said Ova as she shook his hand.

"Prime Minister Jin Tu, thank you for coming all the way here to meet me. Though I wasn't informed that their would be an Imperial Convoy here to escort me" Said Prime Minister Jin

"This wasn't something that was planned instead I got permission by his majesty since I have a certain feeling that you didn't come here alone" Answered Ova

Prime Minister Jin's face became pale as he walked closer so that the two can whisper to each other.

"You think the Japanese are here to stop the meeting" Whispered Prime Minister Jin

"Yes but we have no concrete evidence so the military won't act without actual evidence that something is going to happen so instead he sent me to escort you here" Whispered Ova

"Then let's not waste much time and get moving" Whispered the Prime Minister

Ova nodded and they both walked towards the convoy and got into the middle car with two cars in front and two behind them.

The Prime minister's security detail was placed in the cars behind.

Once everybody was in the convoy pulled off and began their trip to the Palace. The local police force was already contacted and as the convoy went roads were temporarily blocked off in order to allow them to pass unhindered.

The Japanese Agent's that had infiltrated the city were keeping tab's on the convoy and had seen that they were inside of Imperial vehicles meaning that attacking them would mean death.

The Agent's were only allowed to attack them should they be travelling along, The Japanese Emperor was willing to risk attacking just the convoy if it was just the Manchukuo Prime minister but it was Imperial vehicles.

If they attacked they will spark a diplomatic incident with the Empire which is something that they didn't want to do right now since they were already dealing with massive uprising's on the mainland of China.

Various rebel faction's have begun to rise up to become free of Japanese rule.

Starting a war with the Empire right now is not worth it and plus the other world power's will probably intervene in the war on the side of the Empire. Instead it would be better to punish these fools for doing such a thing.

The Emperor had planned to incite Manchukuo for planning a rebellion and planned to start punishing them by sending in more troops to occupy the nation strip them of their status as a subject and Annex them instead.

The Japanese Agent's could only watch as the Convoy had successfully made it to the Palace and the Prime Minister was safely taken inside where he met with the Emperor. Little did they know Shadow Agent's were watching their every move.

"Prime Minister Jin it's a pleasure to meet you" Said Jarvis as Prime Minister Jin did a slight bow showing his respect for Jarvis

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me your Majesty" Said Prime Minister Jin as he kept his head bowed.

"You don't have to keep bowing your head lift it up so that we can speak. And take seat over their" Said Jarvis as he pointed to a chair across from him

"Of course Your Majesty" Said Prime Minister Jin as he stood up straight and walked to his seat.

Once he sat down Jarvis was the first one to speak since he could see the hesitation in the eyes of the Prime Minister.

"Prime Minister Jin Please tell me what is it that brought you here today" Asked Jarvis

"A few weeks ago the Legitimate heir to the Chinese Throne Zhao Shui was captured by the Japanese as he was caught in an attempt to Free the Chinese people from the clutches of the Japanese Government. And now he is being kept as a prisoner somewhere inside of the Japanese Empire" Explained Prime Minister Jin

Hearing the situation Jarvis already knew that they wanted some support in their struggle against the Japanese Empire. Helping them is not much of a problem, in fact he can reap the rewards by having a valuable ally and he can use them for some very valuable resource that they have.

In the process he can get rid of the Japanese influence in the region and even expand his influence even more.

And if this does somehow turn into a war against the Japanese Empire then he will just gain even more rewards from doing this.

So helping them was in his best interests as of right now.

"Prime minister Jin the Empire has some interests in that region" Said Jarvis

Prime Minister Jin was already prepared for this since it wasn't like they were going to get help for free.

"What is it that the Empire wants in exchange for helping us" Asked Prime Minister Jin eager to hear his offer.

"I Want to have a Port city turned over to my Empire's control along with Docking right's and the Opening of border's with each other" Said Jarvis no wanting to seem greedy since he didn't need that much in return for helping them.

Prime Minister Jin was shocked since he expected more than that. But who is he to argue with what the Emperor wanted.

"That is more than acceptable your Majesty in fact we can hand over the port city of Yingkou immediately if that is all you need" Said the Prime Minister since he wanted the Empire's help as fast as possible since who knows if Zhao Shui is even alive at this point.

"Once the city is in our hands inform the people and I will send a fleet along with a few thousand troops so maintain control and so that we can directly send you military equipment and I will even send some advisors over if you wish" Said Jarvis

Prime Minister Jin stood up and bowed but this time he did a full bow "Thank you your majesty the Chinese people will forever be in your debt" Said Prime Minister Jin

"Calm down the war is not won yet first we must get you and your military up to date so that you can resist the Japanese should they come. But first how many men do you have in the Manchukuo army" Asked Jarvis

Prime Minister Jin sat back down before he answered the question "We have 200,000 troops due to the Japanese limitation on our military, but we can raise a projected 900k without affecting the economy, and about 1.5 million if we maximize our industry and shift some of the work force" Explained Prime Minister Jin

Jarvis put his hand on his chin to think for a little before he came up with his response.

But before he could Prime minister Jin's phone ringed.

"Umm excuse me your Majesty but it will only be a minute" Said Prime Minister Jin as he picked up the call.

But as soon as he did his face slowly turned lifeless and after a few seconds he dropped the phone.

Jarvis was shocked at this scene and had asked him what was wrong.

"What Happened Prime Minister" Asked Jarvis

"The Japanese Empire just announced the annexation of Manchukuo. They have sent troops in to take control of the state but our troops resisted and now the Japanese have declared us to be rebels and have announced that all people of the Manchukuo army and Government will be executed for being traitors to the Emperor" Said the Prime Minister

"Damn" Said Jarvis as all of this just ruined his plan's

But was he one to stop here? The answer was simple to that question and it was NO.

"Prime Minister don't worry, I offered you support and you will get it" Said Jarvis as he pressed a button on the table which pulled up a screen.

"Alena assemble the 2nd Imperial fleet in the port of Arcadia and put out military forces on High alert" Ordered Jarvis

"Of course your Majesty it will be done, but my I ask why are we under attack" asked Alena

"No the Japanese Empire just announced their annexation of the Manchukuo State and here I just made a deal to support them on their rode to achieving independence. But with the Japanese attempting to Annex them the Manchukuo people will not give up, and now a war is happening between the two and I have decided to support the Manchukuo not by sending supplies but by military intervention" Said Jarvis

Hearing all of this Alena now understood why they were going to war.

"Understood your majesty I will have the 2nd Fleet here within 4 hours and our military forces will be on standby awaiting your order's" Reported Alena

"Good" Said Jarvis as he ended the call.

"Prime Minister I will put you on a Military flight back to Manchukuo were you will lead your country in this war, but don't worry because in a few hours the world will know of the war and when that time happens I will announce our recognition of the Nation of Manchukuo in which our forces will move in to support your country" Said Jarvis

Prime Minister Jin was about to thank Jarvis when he was stopped.

"Don't thank me yet nor do I want to see you lower yourself, you need to get back to your country and rally your country men, and don't worry about the flight their I will send 4 fighter's to support your trip and also send 4 guards to help you so hurry up and get back to the Airport" Said Jarvis

Although he was told not to Prime Minister Jin still thanked Jarvis before he left the room in a hurry and went back to the Airport.

Meanwhile Jarvis was creating a plan to infiltrate the Japanese Empire and rescue the Future Chinese Emperor from the Japanese Government.

This would be the second war that he will be in but the first war against a nation on Earth.