The Manchukuo Emperor has returned

As the Arcadian army worked to reorganize and set up their defenses on the Korean Border, the Imperial Knight's that Alena had dispatched to the Japanese Empire had successfully located the whereabouts of the Manchukuo Emperor who was being held captive.

It was at the Tokyo Palace where the Japanese Emperor also resided. But the Imperial knight's had a mission so using their magic abilities which is something that the Japanese Empire doesn't have they had successfully manages to sneak into the Palace and find the location of the where the Manchukuo Emperor was being held captive.

The Imperial Knights had expected the Emperor to be held in a lavish cell, with guards posted outside his door. Instead, they found him in a small, windowless room with nothing but a straw mat and a bucket for a toilet.

The Emperor looked up when they entered, his eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and hope. "Who are you?" he asked in Mandarin.

"We are Imperial Knights, sent by Major General Alena of the Arcadian Empire to rescue you," one of them replied. "We're here to take you home."

The Manchukuo Emperor was filled with joy and relief to hear those words. He had been held captive for so long that he had lost track of time. He had given up hope of ever returning to his homeland, and now with the help of the Imperial Knights, his dream was about to become a reality.

The Knights quickly helped the Emperor to his feet and handed him a cloak to cover his ragged clothes. They led him through the winding hallways of the Palace, their magic ensuring that they remained invisible to anyone who might try to stop them.

As they made their way out of the Palace, alarms sounded and guards rushed to block their way. The Knights drew their Weapons and engaged in battle, their magic making them almost invincible. The Manchukuo Emperor watched with amazement as the Knights fought with skill and bravery, cutting down the guards one by one.

Finally, they emerged from the Palace and into the streets of Tokyo. The city was in chaos as news of the Imperial knight's inside of the city had created a wave of fear causing everybody to run indoors.

While on the street's the Japanese Imperial army had already mobilized and was blocking all exit's out of the city.

The Imperial Knight's couldn't just fly their way out of here since there was a chance of putting the Manchukuo Emperor's life at risk so they contacted Major General Alena to get some Pelican's to come and get them.

Major General Alena received the message from the Imperial Knights and immediately ordered her team to launch the Pelicans. They had to move fast, as the Japanese army was closing in on the location of the Imperial Knights and the Manchukuo Emperor.

The Pelicans arrived ten minutes later, swooping down from the sky and landing in the middle of the street. The Imperial Knights quickly ushered the Emperor inside, and the Pelicans took off into the sky.

As they flew towards the Manchukuo Empire, the Manchukuo Emperor couldn't help but express his gratitude towards the Imperial Knights. "Thank you so much for saving me. I thought I would never see my homeland again."

The Knights bowed respectfully. "It was our honor, Your Majesty. We are just glad that we could help."

They crossed the Korean border a few hours later, where they were met by Major General Alena and her army. The Manchukuo Emperor was finally home, safe and sound.

As he stepped off the Pelican, the people of the Manchukuo Empire cheered and applauded, grateful to have their Emperor back. The Imperial Knights stood back, watching with satisfaction as their mission was finally completed.

But their work was not yet done. Major General Alena turned to them and said, "Our next mission is to defend the border's of the Manchukuo Empire as all of the other subject's of the Japanese Empire have gotten involved and declared war on the Manchukuo Empire"

"Our reinforcement's of 400k Arcadian soldier's will arrive in a week's time so I want you and the rest to defend the border's with all you got" Said Major General Alena

The Imperial Knights nodded, ready for the challenge ahead. They knew that defending the Manchukuo Empire would not be an easy task, but they were willing to give it their all. Their magic would be a great advantage against the Japanese Empire, who did not possess such abilities.

A week later, the reinforcements arrived, and the Arcadian army joined forces with the Manchukuo army to defend their borders. The Japanese Empire had brought in their most elite soldiers, but they were no match for the Arcadian army and the Imperial Knights.

The Knights used their magic to create illusions, making the Japanese soldiers believe that there were more troops than there actually were. They used their swords to cut through the enemy ranks, their skill unmatched.

The Arcadian soldiers fought bravely, never backing down in the face of danger. They had a fierce determination to protect the Manchukuo Empire, and they were willing to give their lives to do so.

Days turned into weeks, and the war didn't show any sign's of victory for the Japanese Imperial Army.

That was until a suspicious person showed up to the Japanese Emperor's Palace.

This person was a Demon From the Arcadian Empire Lands who hated the Emperor. Ever since they had came to this new world he seen this as an Opportunity to use the other Nation's of the World to destroy the Arcadian Empire and Kill the Emperor.

This was one of few Demon's that hadn't fully accepted Jarvis as the Demon Lord and they sought to put an actual Demon in his place.

As the Demon approached the Japanese Emperor he bowed showing his subservience since he wanted to help this nation in fighting back against the Arcadian Empire.

For almost a year he has been gathering other Demon's and he has successfully created a secret Organization to stand against the Emperor.

And now this Organization will make a grand entrance into the world.