Human Greed

In the Arcadian Empire a massive development was happening that would shock the world. The Arcadian Research and Development department was about to announce the construction of the first Space Station that would be able to support at minimum 1 million people at once.

This was about to be a massive undertaking as first they would need to send the required material's into space, and not only that but they were also developing a space construction unit which from it's name would construct structure's in space without the need for a person to be present.

Of course the unit would be controlled from the surface by a human technician to make sure everything goes well but other than that the unit will be completely automated.

The integration of A.I. into the Arcadian Military was already a big thing that increased their combat capability. The same could be said for the cities inside of the Arcadian Empire which each of an A.I. core which support's all of the A.I. program's throughout the city.

A.I. was utilized throughout the entirety of the Arcadian technology system's for a variety of uses. Some of those uses my be considered as violating people's personnel security but Jarvis didn't care since in his previous life he saw what not having this security could lead to.

And plus his country wasn't the US so he could have whatever he wanted to. And it wasn't like he was watching everything the people do, the A.I. would ignore the private lives of citizen's and only investigate the suspicious thing's that stand out.

Because of this crime in the cities were very low, even with the arrival of tourists and people migrating to the Arcadian Empire. The foreigner's were quickly reminded about the differences between Arcadia and the rest of the world.

The Laws were different and the country was what most would consider a military state with the Military being present almost everywhere.

But enough of that. The space station would begin construction in a few months once all the material's have been gathered and are ready to ship to space.

And so at the Arcadian Palace thousand's of people had gathered in front of the building looking up at the stage where the Emperor would make his speech.

Moment's later Jarvis had walked outside and stood at the podium on top of the stage and began his announcement to the world.

The announcement had came with a very good reply from the Citizen's of Arcadia as the idea of going to space was something that anybody wanted to experience.

While the other major power's saw this as a threat since the Arcadian Empire would have a monopoly on the station which mean's they could dictate who could and who could not go onto the station.

Normally they wouldn't react like this since each major nation with a space program has their own space station in space which they launch flight crews from.

But what Jarvis announced was something that was straight out of a movie. He explained how the space station would have it's very own gravity generator making people be able to walk through the station as if they were still on earth.

No other space station could do this since all of the other nation's with access to a space station have not yet developed the technology for a gravity generator.

And if they could not even go inside of the station then how would they figure out how the gravity generator worked.

But at the end of the announcement Jarvis stated that the station would be open to all countries to visit which shocked them since the tension in the world between the Arcadian Empire and the other major power's was rising, so for him to do this was just inviting them to go and study the technology.

Once the announcement was over the Arcadian citizen's mixed with foreigner's who have moved into the city had all clapped their hands and cheered at the announcement.

Jarvis returned to his Palace and was walking back to his office when Kingsley had started walking next to him.

"What is it Kingsley" Asked Jarvis since he knew something was wrong.

"Your Majesty, One of the Noble Demon Houses have came to us and reported that their daughter has been kidnapped while in Russia" Reported Kingsley

"And how true is this information" Questioned Jarvis since he can't just act on a simple statement without proof.

"Our Intelligence Department has looked into it and they have recovered the last phone call from the daughter's phone which revealed that she was indeed taken" Explained Kingsley 

"And not only that but over the course of the last few months their have been lot's of report's of Demon's who have visited foreign countries have been kidnapped or reported missing" Said Kingsley.

Jarvis had stopped since they were in front of his office door which was opened by the Royal Guard's who were standing guard "Let's talk in my office" Said Jarvis

Kingsley walked in and sat in the chair across from Jarvis desk while Jarvis sat in his seat behind the desk.

"I know exactly why these Kidnappings are happening, it's because of the Demon's unique look that make them stand out and appear just like the ones in the many stories or movies of the world" Said Jarvis.

"But let me be clear that I want all of these incident's and all future incident's investigated using all mean's necessary, If the country is our ally then we already have permission to send military force's into their country so just inform them of what's going on before we do. But if it's a country that we don't have military access to then don't inform them since if they are involved then they will try and move them to a more secure location, instead you have my permission to violate the target countries border's and send special forces to conduct search and rescue mission's to bring our people back home" Said Jarvis as he just basically gave Kingsley supreme authority to bring those that were kidnapped back to the country.

"Yes, Your Majesty I will get right on it" Said Kingsley as he stood up and left the office.

Once he was gone Alexander turned around and looked outside of the window with his hands behind his back.

"The selfish desire's of human's will cause more chaos on the world that can be prevented if the world's government's were not so incompetent" Jarvis was referring to the recent kidnapping's since he knew that it was the other countries attempt to try and research the abilities of the Demon's.

What he was worried about the most was how resilient they are at being able to find the answer's that they are looking for.

The possibilities of what they could do if they discover how to control the Demon's or what ever other use they can is endless and he did not want to let them achieve that.