A Situation in the making

All over the world News stations were reporting the Incident resulting from the Cuban Invasion by the US.

"Breaking news here on the Arcadian News Station, The Government has just released surveillance video showing the US Military taking an Arcadian Diplomat as a prisoner during negotiations between the Cuban Military and the United States Government.

This news comes after the Arcadian Government and the Cuban Government signed an agreement which places the Cuba under the protection of the Arcadian Empire to ensure it's independence from an American take over. But the United States refused to accept this agreement between the two nations and as a result an Arcadian Diplomat was taken Prisoner" Reported the News Station.

"And at this time we actually have a message from the Arcadian Empire about this incident" the News station had switched the video feed which now showed Emperor Jarvis sitting behind his desk.

Jarvis didn't even bother to try and show a fake smile on camera so his frowning face was shown to everybody who was watching.

"The US government has gone beyond their jurisdiction by invading a country under the guise of humanitarian efforts. But when is it truly humanitarian to invade another nation? This is why I proposed making Cuba a protectorate, allowing them to control their own resources while receiving support and stability from the Arcadian Government. Unfortunately, the US refuses to acknowledge this agreement. As a final attempt for peace, I demand that they release all prisoners taken during negotiations. If they refuse, I will order the Arcadian Military to forcefully retrieve our captured citizens and remove American troops from Cuban territory." Announced Jarvis

The New Station has switched back to normal as the Reporter continued "And there you have it folks the Emperor Himself has came out and responded to this incident. Only time will tell how the US Government reacts to this message"

After Jarvis released that message to the world the Chinese Empire was the first to back them up and offer support should the Arcadian Empire choose invaded the US. 

Following behind them was the Republic of Korea, and numerous nations of UAN(United African Nations).

And thanks to modern day technology millions of Americans has seen this message and this news which was caused by their Government. 

As a result within 5 hours of this new being spread throughout the world American Citizens took to the streets and marched on the Capital protesting the decision of the United States Government.

Most of them were young people who didn't want to go to war for a stupid reason. While some of them were mothers, fathers, and elderly people who didn't even see the common sense behind this decision.

The protests in the capital grew louder and more intense as the days went by. The streets were filled with a sea of people, their voices echoing through the city like a thunderous wave. Signs and banners were held high, displaying messages of peace, justice, and opposition to war. It was a powerful display of unity, as Americans from all walks of life came together to voice their dissent.

In the midst of the chaos, Sarah Johnson stood at the forefront of the crowd. Her fiery red hair whipped around her face as she shouted into a megaphone, her words clear and impassioned. She was a student activist who had been tirelessly organizing rallies and peaceful demonstrations since news of the Cuban invasion broke.

"We will not stand idly by while our government drags us into another senseless war!" Sarah's voice boomed through the air, rallying the protesters around her. "We demand that our leaders listen to our voices and choose peace over violence!"

The energy in the crowd surged, fueled by Sarah's words. People began chanting slogans, their voices merging into a unified call for change. The atmosphere crackled with electricity as hope filled the hearts of those who had gathered.

Meanwhile inside of the Halls of the White House President Henry Oswald found himself face with an unprecedented challenge. He watched the protests unfold on live television, his face etched with anger since the Arcadian Empire had once again interfered with their plans.

He wasn't even half a year into his presidency and he was already faced with such a situation only because the American people couldn't see how much of a threat the Arcadian Empire was.

And if he wanted to keep his job as President then he must follow the demands of the American people.

So he called an emergency meeting inside of the Oval office with his top advisors.

While that was going on Arcadian Troops number 80k have already landed on Mainland Cuba, taking control of the Santiago de Cuba Province, and the Las Tunas Province.

Stability was beginning to build up in those provinces as the Arcadian Troops brought with them food an engineers to help rebuild Cuban cities. In just one day numerous amounts of jobs were created to help those who were unemployed which increased stability much faster than in the US controlled provinces which still encountered Resistance.

The US couldn't take the Presidential Palace of the Cuban Government which houses the remaining Military Command for Cuban forces since it was reinforces with Arcadian Special forces who halted the American troops in their steps.

As such the Presidential Palace was turned into a fortress.

American and Arcadian Troops had met directly in the middle of Cuba splitting the country at the Ciego de Ávila Province.

In the Meantime President Henry Oswald and his top advisors had to make a difficult decision that would tarnish the relation between the Military and the Presidents office.