Foundation of a New Alliance

Jarvis spent the next 3 days visiting the other cities of Cuba to get a first person view of what would need to be done to rebuild the nation. 

Somehow, news had spread among the Cuban people that the person who saved their nation and is now aiding in its recovery was travelling through the island visiting the cities of Cuba.

Everywhere he went his convoy was surrounded by the citizens of Cuba who were cheering his name. And Jarvis wasn't one to shy away from the public so he got out of his car in each city to speak to the people of Cuba and spent some time with the young kids who would be the future of Cuba.

In the news his public image grew with some of the titles being 'Savior of Cuba' or 'The Emperor who cares' the list went on since it was put into the news of most news stations around the world.

After leaving Cuba Jarvis felt that he could truly change the country to become a more stable country that can defend itself and set an example of what order looks like.

3 Days later after arriving back at Arcadia Jarvis came up with the idea that not only should Cuba enjoy the benefits of modernization but so should those countries who align with him. 

Right now those countries were The Chinese Empire, Cuba, Half of the African Continent, and the Republic of Korea.

The African countries already have their own Alliance which can defend itself and is relatively stable, but Jarvis wanted his own Alliance.

So he had drafted up the idea of an Alliance in which would get The Chinese Empire, Republic of Korea, and Cuba to join.

The Alliance would be called the The Pact of Intercontinental Security or PIS for short. Jarvis came up with the name to differentiate it from former Alliance names of the world and because it sounded sophisticated.

The Alliance would be a Military Alliance ensuring the protection of it's members and forming a close bond between the members Military to work together to ensure Stability amongst it's Members.

In addition the Arcadian Empire will be the Leader of the Alliance and will work together with the members to guide them to the right direction. Basically all members will be receiving economical support in terms of reconstruction of old Buildings, upgrading the infrastructure of cities, and improving the well being of the citizens.

The Member countries will of course pay the Arcadian Empire for their support and then use that money to support the citizens of the member countries to help get rid of homelessness and establish programs to get people jobs.

Jarvis did this because it would be stupid not to utilize a person for the sake of the country just because they are homeless. And for those that can't get jobs because of there prior criminal History will go through certain programs to ensure that they are willing to take the next step and change their lives.

Often times people commit crimes and learn from their mistakes, but because they did the crime they can't try to change themselves so all they can do is look to commit more crimes because they don't have the money to survive in the world.

Some crimes were even accidents but as the world works now they are still criminalized. Jarvis is not talking about Murder since if you murdered someone then you shouldn't even be out of Prison. So this idea was more towards those that didn't kill somebody and wanted to change their lives.

After about a week more of finalizing the Alliance and creating a set of laws, and rules that the members will follow. Jarvis met with Emperor Zhao Shui of the Chinese Empire, the Republic of Korea President Chi Mi-So, and Cuban President Martín in Seoul the Capital of Korea.

They met in Korea because this is where Jarvis planned to establish the Headquarters of the PIS. He figured that he would allow another country to host it's headquarters to show that even small nations such as Korea were important to the Arcadian Empire.

All the leader's transports had arrived at Seoul where they met in the Yongsan Presidential Office which is the residence of the Korean President.

The first hour of discussion were just explaining the Alliance and it's purpose. President Chi Mi-So liked the idea of this Alliance as she wanted Korea to make it's own mark in the world and to remain independent. Sticking with the Arcadian Empire was the logical choice and it benefited the Korean people as Jarvis popularity among them was high.

Chinese Emperor Zhao Shui was already receiving most of the things introduced from the Arcadian Empire as they were close allies already so he didn't see a problem with the Alliance.

President Martín from Cuba saw the potential of this Alliance and was already inclined to join since they were a protectorate of the Arcadian Empire.

The next hour was explaining the benefits and the goal of the Alliance which was to ensure the defense of the members and to try and promote world stability through any means necessary.

All three Leaders didn't need much discussion between them before they all agreed that the Alliance was a good idea.

And so on October 13th of 2029 the creation of the Pact of Intercontinental Security(PIS) was announced which shocked the members of NATO since they were the only major Alliance in the world to defend themselves against Russia and now the Chinese Empire, and Arcadian Empire.

This Alliance would challenge NATO as the worlds strongest Alliance.