Chapter 13: Shisui vs Jishi

-3rd person POV-

The teacher signaled the beginning of the match, the match was limited to the yard, but the moment it started both of them did a hand seal activating the body flicker technique and disappearing, the teacher who was probably a low jonin couldn't see them, 'Shisui is considered a genius in the Uchiha clan so I can understand, but how could that low life do it', he was hiding his surprise, while the kids who were acting cocky before, now were cowering, and this was just the beginning of the spar.

In the bushes, Jishi was preparing herself, she created 5 shadow clones, they all nodded, they what each one of them had to do.

Two of the clones positioned themselves of the sides or the spar field, one in the middle, the forth one just transformed into a kid, and went in hiding with the spectators, and the last one turned into a shuriken, Jishi kept that one in her pouch, she climbed on the tree and used the invisibility cloak.

On the other side of the field Shisui activated his sharingan and observed the scene 'I need to her under a genjutsu (illusionary Techniques that provoke hallucinations), that would be the fastest and easiest way to win, but I need to find the real one, if it's a clone, she might find a way to counter it, so let's not take any risk', but as he was thinking, the clone who was posted in the front jumped on him.

Shisui dodged the attack without much difficulty, but then the other two clones headed to him instantly, he did three hand signs at high speed and shot a giant fireball from his mouth, it destroyed the two clones instantly, the one who attacked at first side stepped, he then tried to punch him in the face but Shisui stopped it, the clone continued with a side kick, Shisui with his sharingan was able to block it, the fight continued at a high speed that even the teacher had a hard time following their movements, Shisui did an uppercut that sent the clone flying, as he was going to continue, a kunai was thrown toward the Shisui, everyone watching was stunned ant thought 'there was another one hiding!?', Shisui didn't think much about it but when it moved past him it turned into another clone that did a flying kick toward his head, while the first one did a hook, Shisui lost a tooth.

The teacher was about to stop the fight, when Shisui screamed "please, I can still continue".

The teacher thought a bit, 'he just lost a tooth, but I want to know how this will end', "Okay, but remember this is just a spar"

With that said, Shisui started fighting the two clones but in the middle of the fight they dispelled themselves, when he saw that both of them were clones, he tried to sense the chakra of Jishi, she had changed her position during the commotion, 'My chakra is almost exhausted, I need to finish this quickly'.

Jishi decided to face him this time, she had left her hiding position, when she and Shisui locked eyes, she fell to the ground, "I got her!", everybody was awe of what just happened, except the transformed clone who dispelled himself, the kids near him screamed in fear when he vanished, and Jishi got up as if nothing happened.

Shisui was confused, "H-how… did you… escape my genjut-"

During that moment of confusion, she flickered by his side, and put a kana on his throat, he put his hands up and smiled "I give up".

Everyone was astounded of the fight they just witnessed , the teacher even more 'how can academy kids, be so… strong?', then they finally did the Seal of Reconciliation, after that Jishi just went sleep in the classroom.

-Jishi POV-

This was difficult, I am exhausted and my chakra too, I need to find a way to have more chakra, maybe I could become a Jinchūrik (っ◔◡◔)っ…

"Jishi san, excuse me I would like to know, how were you able to break out of my genjutsu so easily", this was Shisui, he will become much stronger in the future… I want him♥… TO WORK FOR ME, why is there a freaking heart.

"It is quite simple, I left one of my shadow clones hidden, when he saw me under genjutsu, he dispelled himself, I regained his memories, that way I knew it was a genjutu, so I could come back to reality", I explained while keeping my head on the desk.

"How did you know that it would work?, I never heard of such a way"

Because the future of this world, "I didn't know, I just wanted to try it".

He had admiration flowing from his eyes, [Wow, she did it without any prior test… it is reckless… but so ingenious], "Thank you for this spar Jishi san, I learned so much from you".

"Don't worry about it", he was going away, and I grabbed his shirt, and with a shy look "Shisui san could you please teach me genjutsu, I don't know anyone who is as strong as you"


"Thank you so much", I then gave him a hug, he was red and stiff, so easyyy…, I go out of the classroom, "See you tomorrow…"

Now shall I head back to the orphanage, Kabuto, the reason of my presence there, arrived this morning, when suddenly, two masked men appeared in front of me and knocked me out…