Chapter 4: god...?

--Jishi Pov--

-in a dark place-

The building was collapsing when suddenly one of the scraps headed to me, the next second everything was black .

Hahahahaha thinking they would save me was the shittiest lie to myself, and lied to myself more times than I had lived in the previous world, why didn't I run when I had the chance, why did I not move, that's because I relied on someone else, what a beginner's mistake.

Wait why am I able to think of all this, 'I m I not dead? Could it be I m still alive but why is it all dark' .

"ᑎO YOᑌ ᗩᖇᗴ ᗪᗴᗩᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ YOᑌ ᗩᖇᗴ ᗰIᔕTᗩKᗴᑎ TᕼIᔕ ᑭᒪᗩᑕᗴ Iᔕ ᑎOT ᗪᗩᖇKᗴᑎᗴᗪ IT Iᔕ YOᑌᖇ ᗴYᗴᔕ ᗯᕼO ᗩᖇᔕ ᑌᑎTᖇᗩIᑎᗴᗪ TO ᔕᗴᗴ TᕼIᔕ ᖇᗴᗩᒪᗰ"

'A strange voice replied as if it could read my mind.'

"YOᑌ ᗩᖇᗴ TIᘜᕼT, I ᕼᗩᐯᗴ Tᕼᗴ ᗩᗷIᒪITY TO ᖇᗴᗩᗪ YOᑌᖇ ᗰIᑎᗪ"

"Are you perhaps god...?" I asked him while my emotions were confused in whether to laugh or cry.

"ᑎO I ᗩᗰ ᑎOTᕼIᑎᘜ ᗷᑌT Tᕼᗴ ᒪOᗯᒪY OTᑌᖇOᗷ OTᔕᑌTᔕᑌKI"

ᕼearring that I couldn't process the information, 'why would an otsutsuki an enemy of humans help me. And what's with that voice.' Hundreds of questions appeared in my mind.

"I ᗩᗰ ᗯIᒪᒪIᑎᘜ TO ᗩᑎᔕᗯᗴᖇ ᗩᑎY Oᖴ YOᑌᖇ ᑫᑌᗴᔕIOᑎᔕ BᑌT ᗯᗴ DOᑎ'T ᕼᗩᐯᗴ TIᗰᗴ."

"Why are you helping me?"

"YOᑌᖇ ᔕOᑌᒪ Iᔕ ᔕTᖇOᑎG, TᕼᗩT Iᔕ TᕼE ᖇEᗩᔕOᑎ YOᑌ ᗯEᖇE ᗩᗷᒪE TO KEEᑭ YOᑌᖇ ᗰEᗰOᖇIEᔕ Oᖴ YOᑌᖇ ᑭᗩᔕT ᒪIᖴE, ᗩᑎᗪ ᗯᕼY I ᗯIᒪᒪ ᗩᔕK YOᑌ TO ᖴᑌᒪᖴIᒪᒪ ᗰY ᗯIᔕᕼ TO E᙭TEᖇᗰIᑎᗩTE TᕼE OTᔕᑌTᔕᑌKI ᑕᒪᗩᑎ."

I breathed calmly, and replied with all the calmness I could gather. With a serious Jojo face (if I still had a body that is) I said,


"I ᗩᗰ TOTᗩᒪᒪY ᔕEᖇIOᑌᔕ ᒪET ᗰE E᙭ᑭᒪᗩIᑎ ᗰYᔕEᒪᖴ ᑭᒪEᗩᔕE, TᕼEY ᗯIᒪᒪ TᖇY TO ᑕOᑎᑫᑌEᖇ TᕼIᔕ ᑭᒪᗩᑎET Iᑎ TᕼE ᖴᑌTᑌᖇE I ᗩᗰ TᖇYIᑎG TO ᑭᖇEᐯEᑎT IT, TᕼᗩT Iᔕ ᗯᕼY I GᗩᐯE ᗰY ᔕOᑌᒪ Iᑎ E᙭ᑕᕼᗩᑎGE Oᖴ YOᑌᖇᔕ, YOᑌ ᔕᕼᗩᒪᒪ ᗷE ᗩᗷᒪE TO ᖇETᑌᖇᑎ TO TᕼIᔕ ᗯOᖇᒪᗪ YOᑌ ᗯIᒪᒪ IᑎᕼEᖇIT ᗰY ᗰIᑎᗪ ᖇEᗩᗪIᑎG ᗩᗷIᒪITY, I ᗯIᒪᒪ ᖇOOT ᖴOᖇ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑌᑕᑕEᔕᔕ"

He disappeared without leaving a trace, and my consciousness vanished before I could take any action.

The moment I woke up...