Chapter 17: Graduation

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T GRADUATE", this was utterly madness, I am gonna kill this joke of a teacher.

"You can't graduate, you have been in the academy for less than two months, and you slept through all my classes,I don't think you're ready to be a ninja yet"

This is gonna take a while, "What do I need to do for you to acknowledge me as a ninja?", while we were arguing I detected a new chakra signature, then it got closer to us, it's a one eyed dark man, "what is all this ruckus?", the teacher jumped back when he heard the voice, but when he saw the man he bowed.

"Good morning to you lord Danzo, what brings you to our academy?"

"I do not have to justify my actions to you, but you do… and you still haven't answered my question", he looked down on the 'ninja' in front of him, he didn't look at me, but I knew he was observing me [This kid is from the orphanage, she is the one who beat the Uchiha brat]

"Jishi wants to take the exam early, but I believe she doesn't have the qualifications to pass it", his head was still down, and he glared at me, because I kept staring at danzo.

"If she wants to pass it let her be" [she'll just be another canon folder, we'll just be lessened from that weight], I don't know if it's a good idea now or not, the teacher hesitated then nodded.

—few hours later—

Those who are passing the exam today are waiting in front of a classroom, I see Shisui and wave towards him, he looks pleasantly surprised of seeing me, "what are you doing here Jishi san?"

"I am here to pass the exam… what did you think... You want me to come cheer for you?", he became red, started denying, when a rock voice reasoned in the room.

"I welcome all the students who are passing today the Genin exam, if you pass today, you'll be in a team, who will become your friends and family that you will help protect the village", it was Hiruzen giving us a speech, that can be translated to if you graduate today you are going to die for the village, "Shall we start?", the examiners went inside a room and each of us passed, we had to perform the transformation jutsu and the shadow clone, I did both so perfectly that my 'teacher' was shocked, but what shocked them even more is that I didn't need to perform hand signs, and I am the youngest to ever graduate from the academy, yeah I know I am wonderful.

The next day I was in the class with of course all the jealous eyes of my fallen comrades who'll have to wait another year before graduating… when a man entered the classroom and called "Uchiha Shisui, Jishi and Menma you three meet me at the rooftop", YES, HELL YES, I am in Shisui's team… ahem, I mean he will awaken the mangekyou Sharingan in the next few years, that will be useful to me…