Ch 138 : Clashing with the simps 3

Ray turned his head at Elsa and smiled. To handle this kind of protagonist, the best way was to quickly cut up their relation. Who knows whether a special dungeon or something like that would occur if Ray spent more time with her.

Thus he wouldn't want to waste any more time talking to Elsa. He came closer to Elsa, but disturbance always came before Ray was even able to say something.

" Ray-Sama, you're so cool."

This time, it was Emi who came and hugged Ray's arm with a heart in her eyes.

It was pretty normal if Ray's other girls were to see this; however, it seems like a provocation to Elsa.

Her future husband was going at her, and now a vixen came and latch at her future husband? Huh, her name would not be Elsa if she lets this thing be.

Immediately Elsa separated Emi from Ray, and she rebuked Emi with all her might.

" What are you doing? Stop gunning for my Ray. He is mine, you know!"