In a world full of things that either surprise you or make you bored
I see everything but you
All the love I crave, all but gone with everything I care about
There's nothing and no one that could have completed me but you
I would have left my heart in your care but you're not here anymore
Maybe you took my heart
Maybe you have left it somewhere safe when you left
Maybe you just tore it to pieces and made it stay inside me
All broken and hurt
Like a wounded animal, crying and moaning, just wanting to rest and die
I crave for you
I started to
But there is no more you in this world I continue to breathe in
Where I continue to feed and fill my hunger
But there is no you I see
No you I feel
No you that can satisfy my craving, my hunger, my thirst, my life
My endless life that maybe the ruler of heaven and everything has cursed me
Was it for my sins?
Was it?
Was my birth an abomination to the heavens somewhere?
Was my creation unwanted that much that all the love I just wanted to be given was taken away from me?
Chances are for no one
Chances are lies
Chances are deceptions
I walk this world, ever moving, ever changing
And yet I blame the heavens, I blame my birth, I blame the allowed chance I was ever created
But in the end, I am wrong, the wrong creation
And then everyone was taken
You're not here anymore
No matter how much I search, even the heavens cannot give me you
You, I crave for
I miss you