Varsity student Sakib constantly sleeps in class and watches anime. Which gets him obsessed with 2D characters.
However, when the female CR Meem comes crashing into Sakib's life, his motto of not to involve with the real-life human is broken. Meem is the main female protagonist who gets herself involved in mysterious incidents and turns to Sakib to solve them.
Although he doesn’t want to stand out like some sort of detective, Sakib somehow always ends up getting himself trapped in situations that force him to unravel these mysteries anyways.
Plot: The engagement of the plot is too good. This is the story of multiple genres and the writer focus on every genre equally. Mystery: This part is well-written. While the mystery wan not so unique but the of solving mystery is too good. I like the writer's unique style of solving mystery. He properly used a laid back character like Sakib. Romance: The most strong point of this novel is the slow burn romance. Obviously, that romance feels refreshing while reading the mystery. Character: I like sakib character. He is the main charmed of the novel. Othar character is also written good. World background: In this part people feel confused. But for me, it’s okay. Overall restless youth is promising. I like it. I think people who read mystery, comedy, slice of life etc. Then, you can try this novel.
it is a good book. so many mistry, twist, love, life of a intorvets,critical thinking, well present of the story everything is there.. good one to keep in a favourit list. best wish for this book. hope all of you will like it. and best wish for the writer
As a fan of the rom-com genre, I like mostly the slow burn romance between Sakib and Meem. Yeah, I agree with other people who say that this novel has a similarity to Hyouka, Oregairu etc. But I have a different vibe from it. It is a combo of rom-com, mystery and slice of life. Mostly I like the way of low-stake and high-stake mystery. Anyone who likes low-stakes and high-stakes mystery with slow burn romance of a laid back character, I suggested they should read this.
If you like hyouka or spiral then this novel is for you. This novel is genuinely enjoying. I enjoy how writer create a problem and he build the solution for the problem. Character written is good. Main leading character and female leading character are so interesting. The begaining plot was normal. But from the 6th chapter it’s become more and more interesting. But I think writer should be careful about background world.
Restless Youth's Characters is very Good and Really Characters follow the Story,background marking the novel Side of Fantastic and I will Reading regular. Please Update Daily to novelists in the ways.
In one word to describe the novel is 'outstanding'! I like how the writer mixed plot with mystery, comedy, romance, suspense, slice of life. I also like the slow burn romance also I like the main character. Here, also get some anime suggestion😁 though I watched all of them. It is a package of 4-5 genres. so, anyone will enjoy the novel. You can try it.
Great story overall with good characters. The pacing of the story and developments of the characters are good. Felt similar to shows like Hyouka and Spiral. Definitely a good read 🙂
Reveal Spoiler
I came for the cover and stayed for the plot. I was looking for a novel that is similar to Koten-bu series(Hyouka). I am quite satisfied with the mc that isn't simp and hope author will keep up the good work.
Restless youth Isn't your typical slice of life novel. You will be in world of mystery while feeling thrilled at a same time. The main character Sakib is overtly smart and wise. And I think that's the main charm of this novel. The Female protagonist Meem is also very likeable. Some unique mysteries I enjoyed are lock room, mind read, dead lock game etc. The best comedy-mystery award goes to cockroach. And there's also some notable romantic moments between Sakib and Meem. The character's development are quite good. Those who wants to enjoy romance, mystery, slice of life, comedy in one package, this novel is just for you.