84. Disastrous end for Markus

"Grandpa will be landing in C city at 11 am. His meeting is supposed to last for two hours at max and he will be boarding the flight back to C city at 3 pm.

We have half an hour at our hands to finish him off between 2 to 2.30 pm, the time when he will be travelling towards the airport.

From my experience, we will only need to fight a maximum number of fifteen men, but let me remind you that all of them are best. Also our estimated number might go wrong, therefore all of you should be alert and ready for any situation. 

Is that clear?" Kizy asked confidently.

"Yes Ma'am." All of them answered in unison.

"Any more doubts?" Kizy asked.

"No Ma'am." Once again all of them echoid together and the meeting was dispersed.

Rest of her day was busier, adding more details to her plan, and also thinking about some possible sudden situations that may appear.