205. You should talk less little lamb

But before Markus could say anything, Kizy cut him off.

"Are you… alright? Weren't you stabbed and poisoned? Show me your… injuries." Kizy said with a little difficulty.

"You should talk less little lamb. And I am completely fine. Yes I was stabbed but my wounds have been treated. And the daggers were just mildly poisoned." Markus said.

"H.. how?" Kizy asked, before pausing, remembering all the things, before her eyes widened.

"Aaron." Markus said while nodding his head, knowing Kizy had guessed the same.

"Where? Where is Aaron?" Kizy asked, her voice sounding weird and a little shaky.

"You'll know that later on. For now let's not discuss him." Markus said, his tone grave.

"Is he… he alive?" Kizy asked, tears forming in her eyes, remembering that unfortunate day.