236. Never have I ever

"Can your team tolerate alcohol?" Markus asked as the alcohol was brought in the private room.

"Definitely better than you!" Rose said in a challenging tone after hearing what Markus had said.

"Are you challenging me Miss. Rose?" Markus asked in an overly dramatic voice.

"No fighting kids!!" Kizy said, making the entire table laugh loudly.

"Guys let's play a game!!" Suddenly Lewis exclaimed in between.

"No. Not again." Markus said, knowing how foolish games his friends played.

"This one is simple and cool. Even you know the game - Never have I ever!" Lewis said.

"What is this game?" Kizy asked curiously.

"You are drinking alcohol?" Catherine asked.

"No. Mocktail." Kizy replied.

"Okay. So what we do is one of us would ask a random question. All of us would have to take a sip of our drink if we have done the thing that was asked in the question. If not, just say pass." Lisa explained enthusiastically.