251. Back on third day

"Thank god Miss Nicole, you have arrived on time. Young madam is not listening to me." Joel said, relieved that he had many people by his side.

"Nicole, you don't listen to him. In fact Markus made me work even more in my starting days, this is absolutely nothing." Kizy said, looking at Nicole for a moment before digging back into the documents.

Nicole just nodded at Joel who left the room, hoping that at least Kizy would listen to Nicole.

"Have this first. You only had an apple for breakfast. Plus you had been standing for almost an hour for the sight seeing. At this rate, I am sure of a good scolding session once my brother is back." Nicole said while placing the breakfast on desk, pushing documents away.

And finally Kizy looked at Nicole carefully.

It had been six days since Nicole as well as her team arrived at their house.

Markus had made preparations beforehand, hence all of them had proper rooms to reside while staying by Kizy 24×7.