330. By keeping me captive?

All the guards were terrified to the core, and why won't they be?

Because instead of snatching the poisonous blade and attacking either the captain or Sia, Kizy had directed the blade towards herself.

Yes Kizy was smart enough to know that attacking or even injuring any men from the Professor's side would do no good as they were never short on men ready for dying. 

But what she knew the best was the Professor won't let even a single person out of them breathe if Miss Hazel was to get even a single minor scratch.

Hence Kizy sudden stunt of scaring all those men by placing it exactly on her neck was successful beyond her imagination.

"Dare anyone take even a single step near me. You both go back 10 steps." Kizy said coolly while looking at Sia and the Captain.

Yes she knew that she was seriously taking a risk by having that poison blade on her neck, but she cpuld not think of any other way to get out of that base.