Looking for my Mjolnir (1)

"I hate the air from the city."

After waking up and getting some clothes, Thor took a bus to the Ascended Center. He never ate breakfast at home to have an excuse to invite women to eat with him in the cafeteria.

Thor grew up in a small town. His family was lucky and gained a few pieces of land to farm at a reasonable price. He, during that time, was called Julian. Julian used his free time to read books and play video games instead of helping his father at the ranch. He loved to immerse himself in the stories of old vikings and their pagan gods.

After reaching his bus stop, Thor got off without taking care of the frightened eyes of the other passengers. They were already used to seeing him every day, but they could not forget what happened two weeks ago.

"At least, they could try to conceal it. It is not like I killed him. You give a small electric shock to a rude guy, and this is what you get..." complained loudly, not understanding how society has reached this point.

Julian's life was tough. His small town was isolated in the mountains. He needed to walk two hours to reach school. Counting a load of homework and exams to study, Julian was left with too little time to go back to his nordic's history books.

The matters got worse when his father, who was working at the farm for the entire year, received a poor harvest. His father reciprocated the results of his work to his family, and this became a loop. The lands were in poor condition, and his father refused to sell them.

Thor took a deep breath before opening the doors. The usual sight of crowds going around greeted him, and he instantly headed to the reception.

"Hello Katarina, you seem to be especially beautiful today. The necklace is new, is it not?" praised Katarina, one of the newest recruits from the government.

"Hello, Thor. I still do not understand why you call yourself like this. You would be more like 'Loki' with your flirting." Chuckled. "Oh, I almost forgot. A package has been sent to your office. You should check it."

Thor sighed after his failed coquetry. He would probably go back to eating breakfast at home, still not getting used to eating alone in public. Too lazy to climb the stairs, he took the elevator to the sixth floor.

The sixth floor was the floor for the examiner's office. Placing the key in the door numbered 042, he opened it.

A snowy landscape blinded him. The worst part about going to school was winter. Getting cold while electric storms rumbled in the sky. Julian still did not get used to it.

Last night, he could not sleep. The winter ruined all his father's efforts, and he could hear the noises coming downstairs. Julian passed the night while imagining he was in a world filled with nordic gods. It is a trick he learned a couple of years ago.

Feeling sleepy, he fell several times to the ground.

"What are you doing in the snow? Are you making snow angels? I want too!" Julian heard a girly voice while lying down on the snow.

After she helped him to get up, he saw she was his neighbor. The lands from her family were larger, and Julian saw his father sometimes going into their state.

After the girl saw his face, she immediately ran away, leaving Julian with a questioning expression on his face.

'At least, she helped me to get up.' thought positively. Ignoring the red color of his 'snow angel', he continued his way to school.

An arranged office filled his view. The office was as organized as the first day he took the job since he was never here. Ignoring everything else, Thor turned to look at the large box on his desk. After taking a few steps and opening the box, he looked inside, and the sight of a wheat bouquet shocked him.

"Hey, stupid! Our phone is ringing! You better answer the phone's call! It is annoying to hear myself!" His phone vibrated. Absorbed in his thoughts, he almost let the answering machine take care of the call.


"Are you Julian Mildstorm? We have a few questions for you." said a police officer. A pair of police officers surrounded him in the town when he was coming back from school.

"Do you have any information about your mother? We got reports about people not seeing her since a month ago." The other police questioned him.

Only after Julian replied to all their questions, they left him alone. He headed to his house, wanting to get back to his nordic books.

Two years passed. Julian finished school and had to help his father on the ranch. In these last years, he saw the police, but they always left after asking a few questions.

On the day Julian reached adulthood, he woke up and took a walk. Today, he did not care about his father getting angry. Everything would be resolved soon.

After talking with some police officers at the Police station, he kept walking. But this time, he was not walking to the school or doing the shopping his father did not want to do. This time, he kept walking, heading to the city.

In the city, Julian had to adapt himself to his new life. He took some jobs, one in a coffee shop and another in a library, and rented an apartment. He also got a few girlfriends, but each relationship took less than three months to end.

He still did not forget to keep reading his books.

Years later, The Descend happened, and Julian started using a new name.

"Hello?" asked Thor, his phone at hand.

"Hello. You are Julian Mildstorm, correct?" replied a serious voice from the other end of the call.

"Yes, I am, but I do not answer by that name anymore. What is your business?" Thor responded, annoyed at hearing his old name.

"I am from the Ascendant Army, from the Earth Alliance. Your abilities are required. Prepare yourself to part immediately." The call was closed after this.

Thor wondered if he had heard right. After going to the cafeteria to take a croissant, he left the building to see a row of military trucks parked in the front. A man wearing a camouflage vest was talking with more people when he noticed him and approached him.

"Are you Julian Mildstorm? Please, go into the first truck. Be quick. We have to make a lot of stops today." said with urgency the Chief Warrant Officer.

Walking to the front of the row, Thor noticed the large number of people going into the trucks. He knew some of them, being his coworkers in the Ascended Center. They were powerful Ascenders with elemental abilities.

After some time, the truck column was ready to move.

They spent the entire day going around the city, stopping several times to get more people into the trucks. After the night came, the column stopped at the airport. Being ordered to get off from the vehicles, Thor followed the instructions and moved, in formation, to the airfield.

After an hour, a military transport aircraft took off, heading north.