Fantastic Knights and Where to Find Them

'''Knight? What is that?''' said an interrogative voice in Ethan White's mind.

"I do not know either… Wait, what? Are you still here? Are you aware my head is not a hotel, right?" replied Ethan White with visible veins on his forehead. His voice was getting louder near the end of his words.

He answered without thinking before noticing the voice was not coming from his room, but from his head.

Ethan White believed the voice's owner left him already, getting reminded of how costly it was for his master, the Sovereign of Light, to talk to him. But to his surprise, the being talking to him was still there.

Ethan White thought about the identity of the voice's owner. 'Maybe, it is stronger than a Sovereign…' but he felt his thoughts to be unrealistic. After all, it was only this morning when he was asked to be his master.

Getting to be the master of a mysterious, foreign and mighty figure being only an Apprentice… no one would believe him if he talked about this. The minimum requirements to be the master of someone would be to at least be an Ascended!

But here was him, an Apprentice having a disciple. Ethan White doubted if his mind was working fine. He did not only get a group of powerful beings in his mind, now they were even asking him to be their master!

What was next? Getting a harem? Ethan White got a chill from just that thought. Him having a harem? He even had problems talking to the girls from his academy! Ethan White still had nightmares about the time when the president of his class brushed his arm… his head turned red, dripping sweat. He got dizzy and fell to the floor, unconscious.

Ethan White got to be the laughingstock of his class for an entire month. After that, some guys approached him with the will to help him overcome his shyness toward girls.

For two weeks, Ethan White was accompanied everywhere by a group of guys. He even had to have a meal with some girls from his academy. It was another nightmare for him. But deeply on his insides, he knew that these two weeks helped him to behave normally around women. He felt thankful for the guys who helped him, even if they only wanted to widen their connections.

Nevertheless, Ethan White did not want a harem. He could only love one person. He also could not bear to have several girlfriends, while they only had one boyfriend. It was a torturing thought.

Ethan White knew that in harems like these, there was no genuine love. It was more like a relationship based on interest, with some privileges. He was aware that if his master, the Sovereign of Light, was not a Sovereign and a ruler, he would not be loved so much by women.

They wanted to be his concubines only to take advantage of his power. And in exchange for the gained power, the Sovereign would also take advantage of them.

But Ethan White did not want a relationship like this. He wanted something real. He still was reminded of the time he liked a girl from another class. The day he decided to confess himself to her, he could not find her in the academy. After a few weeks, he got to know that her family brought her with them to an overseas country.

Ethan White looked for her contact details, asking every one of her old classmates. And after getting her Lategram's account, he tried to talk to her. He still remembers how nervous he was feeling that day. And how quickly he got blocked by her.

'''Young man, are you telling me about this for any particular reason?''' said a voice in his mind, with an annoyed tone. The tone in his voice was implying that he was not at all interested in the love life of this late teenager.

'Can you not just be quiet while I am thinking?'

Ethan White could not be more annoyed. The voice was interrupting his thoughts every time. The first time was this morning after just waking up. Later on, the voice interrupted him while he was watching TV. And now he can not even reminisce about his beautiful past love life.

At least Ethan White was relieved. Thanks to the annoying foreigner in his head, he got his mind on the right track again. He remembered that he was going to search in Gaaglo for all the mess about Knights and Laura Lopez.

Going upstairs and opening the door to his room, the Sunshine coming through the window glass blinded him slightly.

Ethan White smashed his forehead with the palm of his right hand. 'I forgot to close the curtains after I woke up.' He could not help but feel even more annoyed by his mind's tenant, deciding to place all the blame on the foreign being in his head.

He drew the curtains before taking a seat in front of his desk. Turning on his laptop computer, the logo of Smart and Doors on the screen greeted his sight.

In the past, there was a fierce competition between Doors, Mec, and Lineux. Most people used Doors for its easy way of use, while some other people used Lineux for its security. There was also a small group using Mec because it was expensive. But Mec was only worth it for artists, having a worse performance in playing games. And playing games was for what computers were widely used.

But after Doors and Lineux were bought by Wonderland, the latter was absorbed by the former. The best security with the best accessibility. It was a hit in the market. Even Mec was affected by that.

The previous users of both operating systems were rewarded with a free version of the new Doors, and Ethan White was lucky to be able to get a premium license thanks to his family's influence.

After Doors fully charged, his desktop wallpaper welcomed him. His old wallpaper consisted of a photo he took in the lake, with Oscar smiling next to him. These days were great days for him. He could feel happy without his annoying parents pushing him to study and inherit the company.

Afterward to Oscar's murder, Ethan White changed the wallpaper to one of his favorite animals: the pandas.

On his screen, he could see the panda going down some of the stairs inside its enclosure. The picture was taken exactly at the moment the panda slipped, swooping down toward the floor. Ethan White loved pandas and did not want to see them being harmed, but he still loved how silly and clumsy they are.

Getting on track, he clicked Gaaglo's Chroma.