
'''So, my master has a master? Then what is my position in this relationship?''' The mysterious being said, a tone of doubt in his voice.

The foreigner was confused. Was this young man his master or not? Or maybe the master of his master was his rightful master? The more the foreign being tried to think about this, the more confused he became.

Nevertheless, Ethan White was not thinking the same. In the first place, Ethan White did not know how this being thought that he could be his master.

He could accept the powerful being in his mind was still in his head, talking to him. But he did not understand how he could become the master of someone he did not even know! And his master's name did not even make the foreigner turn afraid in the slightest!

Was his master not a powerful being governing an entire galaxy? How could the foreigner not turn afraid and run away?

On Earth, the individuals governing a nation had the highest level of prestige. The people could dream about becoming the prime minister of their nation, but the actual people who could achieve something like this were not in the thousands. The art of governing involved a lot of games, public and private, between a lot of sides. One could even say a person can not reach the presidency without owing a few favors.

But his master, a Sovereign, was not ruling a country, nor a world either. The Sovereign was ruling a whole galaxy! How many civilizations could exist in a galaxy? The Sovereign of Light was the supreme ruler of all of them!

These civilizations still had to obey the orders from their own race rulers, like the Monarchs or the Emperors, but the last word was from the Sovereign.

Ethan White had a slight idea of the ruling system of a galaxy thanks to the high number of self-flattery his master said each time they talked. But the last time was months ago, and his master mentioned to him something about needing to prepare for war.

Ethan White did not have a big liking for his master, but in the last months, he developed some good feelings for their master-disciple relationship.

After he could absorb his first Heart Core, Ethan White finally could fully trust his master's words. He wished to be able to talk with his master again and tell him about his doings during the last months. He also wanted to tell him the splendid news about him absorbing a Heart Core and his newfound strength, not forgetting about his healed fingers.

Nevertheless, getting back on track, Ethan White decided to clarify a few things to the ghost in his head.

'I do not know where you took the idea from, but I am not your master. I am the Light Disciple of the Sovereign of Light, and I do not have any kind of relationship with you. Go away already from my head.' Ethan White said with a proud tone in his mind, thinking it would be enough to scare the foreigner away.

'''But, little man, what is a Sovereign?''' Ethan White heard a voice coming from his mind. The voice seemed young but impregnated with a tone of cluelessness.

Ethan White was almost pulling his hair out. He did not understand how a mind's invader did not know what a Sovereign was. Maybe this Sovereign of Ugliness was too dumb to even know the rank of his power?

He was reflexive between telling him the few things he knew about the levels of power in the universe or just asking the foreigner to go away. In the end, Ethan White decided to ask the most important question.

'Who are you?'

Ethan White was proud of his question, thinking the alien would not have expected him to ask this question. After all, this foreign being in his mind was calling him master. A mere apprentice being the master of an Ascended. He preferred to not think anymore about this.

At this moment, Ethan White thought about something… what if the foreigner in his mind was a mighty Ascended from the Golden Civilization? Terrified, his face was drained from its color. The socket of his two suns was open wide, and his mouth was closed shut with so much pressure that he was feeling pain.

But he ignored the pain. Ethan White already suffered a lot of pain since the Stellar Age has begun. His body collapsed in the training room of his family while he was trying to be an Ascended. There also was a mysterious presence descending into his body, which made him enter into a coma. And he could not forget the unbearable pain from absorbing a single Heart Core.

Who would know more about pain than he? He did not even want to think about the next time he would absorb a Heart Core, afraid of repeating the same nightmarish experience.

However, his mind was not thinking about the ache in his jaw or about the next time he would absorb a Heart Core. His mind was drifting into the possibilities for the foreigner in his mind to be from the Golden Civilization. An alien ready to kill him.

Ethan White had heard rumors about the Golden Beings, and no one of these were good ones. People described them as sadistic existences which only wanted to shed blood. Every single one of them was as powerful as our top Ascenders. The suggested protocol in case you encountered an Ascended from the Golden Civilization was to kill yourself.

Because if you could not, the Ascended alien would make you wish to be dead during every second you are still alive.

Ethan White was horrified each time he heard these tales. Thinking the being in his mind could be an alien from the Golden Civilization never occurred to him before.

Ethan White's mind was working quickly. The being probably had a mental ability, and it was torturing him since he woke up this morning. Never letting him to rest, or making him believe the presence in his mind already left.

But he never thought about how an alien Ascended could be near his place to be able to connect itself to his mind. In the first place, Ethan White was not informed about all the known abilities on the human side. He also did not know if there was a range limit to use their abilities or if the Golden Civilization had abilities the humans did not know about.

However, while he was thinking, the answer to his thoughts came.

'''I am reading your thoughts, and you do not have to worry this much. I am not an alien, but a human like you. My only memories were about me being an Ascended with a shapeshifter ability, but I do not remember anything else about my life, not even what my name was.'''

'What? Are you a shapeshifter human Ascended? Then how are you in my mind?' Ethan White replied internally, incredulous. He did not believe what this "human" said. A Golden Civilization alien would not admit it was an alien either. It was like him saying to his mother that he was studying while he was on his laptop. He would never admit it.

'''Yes… but I am not sure… I can not remember anything… I only know the things I said to you, and I do not even know the reason for this.'''

Ethan White was starting to doubt his previous belief about the voice being from a Golden Civilization alien. He could feel how lost the voice's owner was, a hint of sorrow in his words.

'Then… What are you doing talking to me through my mind?' Ethan White asked with carefulness, choosing slowly his words. This was a question he really needed an answer for, and he hoped to not get another "I can not remember" reply.

'''I do not know. I told you that I can not remember anything about me or my life. The only thing I know is that when I became aware of my existence, you were there. There seems to be a kind of connection between you and me. I can see what you see. I can feel what you feel. And unfortunately, I can think what you think.'''