The Head's Son

He was not interested in inheriting the company. His only interest was to become stronger, to find out what was happening to him, to his mind. And to defend himself, physically and mentally, from other Ascenders.

The blond woman's expression turned into one of shock, only recovering after a few seconds. She tried to give an answer to Ethan White, but there were not any words coming out of her mouth. It was as if she forgot who she was and what she was doing in this place. Getting a handle of herself, she calmed down.

Ethan White saw as the woman's eyes seemed lost initially, confused. But after a brief moment, she took his ID card. Her gaze seemed to be immersed in his ID card, not believing her current situation.

During her ten years working here, she never met the son of the chairpersons. In the first place, she did not even know they had a son. Checking if the ID card was real, she placed the identification card into the topside socket of a plastic square device on her table. After a moment, the device's screen in the front showed a series of personal data about Ethan White.

Taking a sigh of relief, she calmed down. Everything was alright with the ID card. This young white-haired boy was indeed the son of the chairpersons.

"Esteemed young master, may you please wait for a moment?" The blond woman said while giving a slight bow to Ethan White, awe and respect in her voice's tone. She did not wait for Ethan White to give an answer to her, immediately taking a seat in front of her computer while one of her hands was pressing the numbers on the telephone next to her.

Ethan White did not know what she was doing, but after waiting a few minutes while hearing her talking with what he thought were higher-ups, a low noise came from below the desk. He saw how the woman bent down, taking something from there.

The blond, beautiful woman had a laminated metallic card in one of her hands, which had the name "Ethan White" inscribed in the front. Ethan White also saw the letters "Security Level 0" below his name. He was not sure if his security level meant that he did not have any access rights or if it meant high access rights.

Whatever it was, Ethan White took the metallic card, ignoring the security level and the other details, pretending to not show his nervousness. He did not feel prepared yet to take his position in the company. He did not want to be recognized as the son of the chairpersons.

But it was already too late. Throughout this process, a few people were making a queue behind him. Ethan White glanced at them a few times, knowing by the expression on their faces that they were listening to his conversation with the blond woman. He could see an expression of inferiority toward him on their faces.

This was what Ethan White was trying to avoid during all his life.

"Please, esteemed young master, go through the doors located in the wall behind this area to reach the Staff's Room. I opened the door at the corner of the desk for you. Once you are there, there is an elevator at the back of the room. You can use this elevator to go to any of the offices of the chairpersons or any other area your security level allows you to go." The blond woman said, interrupting his thoughts.

"Thank you very much, miss." Ethan White said while nodding his head, not forgetting to be educated. Even if his position in the company was higher than the two women in front of him, he was not thinking of taking advantage of this.

If he were the kind of person who feels superior to others, he would not have refused to inherit the company in the first place. Ethan White did not want riches or fame, just a quiet life.

Or at least, this was his previous thoughts. The current Ethan White still did not want the kind of power money gives, he wanted real power. And only by being an Ascended he could start to achieve his dream.

Going through the door at the back, a plain, decorated room greeted his sight. A few sofas and tables that looked cheap were at one side of the room, looking like a rest area for the workers. On the other side, office desks with task chairs were lined up in rows, some desks being occupied by people.

Ignoring everything else, Ethan White could see three metallic doors at the back of the room. Heading to one of them, he only had to place his company's identification card in the door's side box for the silvery doors to open.

Once inside, the spacious elevator made him feel anxious. Looking around, Ethan White noticed that there were not any floor buttons, only a plastic rectangular box with a wide screen on the front. He tried to press the screen with his fingers, thinking that it was a touch screen, but nothing happened.

'''Try to tell the elevator where you want to go.''' A voice echoed in Ethan White's mind, suggesting a course of action.

Ethan White felt doubts after hearing the suggestion of his head's guess, thinking that maybe it wanted to make fun of him.

"I want to go to Loren White's Office." Ethan White said loudly, getting ready for the voice in his mind to laugh at him. But he did not hear any kind of reply or sound from the other being in his head.

After a few seconds, Ethan White heard a robotic voice coming from the elevator. "Welcome, Ethan White. Your security level is zero. Sending a petition's signal to Loren White's Office. Your petition is approved. Heading to Loren White's Office. The estimated time of arrival is thirty seconds."

Ethan White could see some flashy words on the widescreen on his front, the words "White Artificial Intelligence" stood out from the other words. He guessed that this AI was not only in charge of the elevator but also the entire building. Probably, it even helped the workers in their jobs.