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Ethan White was looking at the purple semi-transparent Heart Core on his bed, radiating a purple light that was lighting up his entire room.

He felt so annoyed when he remembered his mother criticizing his new "hairstyle", wondering why a young adult like him had to wear color contact lenses. Ethan White did not know how to answer. After all, he still did not know what was the reason for his body's appearance to change.

After getting to know his master, he excused this phenomenon based on his body's type, but he still was not completely sure about this.

And Ethan White did not want to be reminded of how hard it was to leave the company's building… The security team was alerted because of the item Ethan White was carrying with him, and it was a pain to explain his identity even if he had a company's identification card with a high-security level.

The mess he provoked was even in the night's time news on TV, becoming known to all the people in the country as "The son of the White Hole Company".

The company also got it hard, having to explain what was the item taken by Ethan White from the company's storage. The investors got reassured after knowing it was not an item owned by the company but an item bought by Loren White and stored in the company's storage rooms.

It still had an adverse outcome: his mother was criticized for using the company's facilities to store items for personal use. Ethan White even got a call from his mother. She was furious because of the mess he provoked.

He knew that he was not going to get another Heart Core soon. Probably, this core was the last one he could get using his mother's influence.

Therefore, Ethan White was in a dilemma. He did not know how many Heart Cores he needed to be able to get Ascended using the way his master, the Sovereign of Light, advised him. This purple Heart Core seemed rich in Stellar Energy, but Ethan White did not know if it was enough to fully nurture his own Heart Core.

Taking these thoughts at the back of his mind, he felt that it was time for another advancement.

His current body was already very strong, having tremendous improvements in his physical prowess after absorbing the first Heart Core.

His master mentioned that a higher ability meant a more powerful Heart Core. This also could mean that the more powerful a Heart Core was, the more the physical body would be improved, nurtured by the Stellar Energy.

Maybe after getting Ascended, his body would get as strong as these body manipulation Ascenders. They were also called "close-fighting Ascenders", famous for killing Golden Civilization's beings with a single punch.

However, these kinds of Ascenders were at a disadvantage, needing to get close to their enemy to be able to use their ability efficiently.

He dreamed of getting a good ranged-ability while also having a powerful body, being invincible.

'''Will you take much more time to get ready to absorb the Heart Core? I am getting bored here.''' The voice in his mind said, interrupting Ethan White's train of thoughts.

Ethan White got back to reality thanks to the foreigner being in his head. Laying down in his bed, he took the gigantic purple Heart Core with his hands and proceeded to absorb the Stellar Energy in the orb.

This time, the absorption was easier, his mother not being there to annoy him and interrupt his focus. With no one to make him stop focusing on the absorption process, the beginning went smoothly.

Nevertheless, the ache caused by absorbing large amounts of Stellar Energy was still unbearable, his entire body shaking from the pain. Ethan White also noticed a slight twitching in his extremities, interrupting his focus briefly.

He became worried, being this the first time he felt his body twitching. This never occurred before when he was absorbing the feathered Heart Core, making him worried.

However, he knew how dangerous it was to lose focus while absorbing a Heart Core's Stellar Energy. Getting his focus back to the absorption process, he tried to ignore the pain and the strange numbness going through his legs.

A couple of hours passed and Ethan White was still absorbing Stellar Energy from the Heart Core. The amount of Stellar Energy being absorbed did not seem to decrease during all this while.

Ethan White already suspected that this Heart Core had more Stellar Energy than the one he previously absorbed, but he never thought it was this much. His body was exhausted from pain, and the numbness that was initially in his legs was already reaching his hands.

To avoid the Heart Core falling into his belly like the last time, Ethan White split his focus in half to move his body's position, reclining his right shoulder on the bed.

With his body facing the desk, which was on the other side, the danger of not being able to control his hands and therefore making the Heart Core fall was resolved. Even if he lost control of his hands, his right hand was touching the bed's blankets.

The Heart Core couldn't fall.

This still had an adverse outcome, even if it was a lighter one. The pain he was feeling was getting even more unbearable, and Ethan White started to feel dizzy, the border of his vision getting black.

Ethan White bit his lips to keep focused, the hours passing. He felt as his body was getting hotter; the sweat coming from his pores was immediately expelled as steam.

He stopped feeling dizzy, but a strong headache assaulted his senses. Ethan White began to see balls of purple bright light around him in his room. He felt like he was hallucinating, not believing what he was looking at.

It had been a long time since he could see the purple mist in the air, Ethan White presuming it was the Stellar Energy being irradiated from the world's core. But it was the first time he could see purple balls of bright light in the air.

Ethan White felt the situation was so surreal that he got mesmerized at the beautiful sight of the purple light spheres.

"What do you want of me? I already gave you everything!" An ethereal voice said, pleading, after Ethan White focused on one of the purple orbs in his room.