Having Nightmares

"Humanity's first Grand Knight has killed an enemy Grand Knight! The Fire God had defeated the Golden Cruelty Grand Knight!"

"To make our viewers understand, the Golden Cruelty Grand Knight is a powerful alien Ascended. She was famous for her cruelty, pouring burning gold in a liquid state into her prisoners, turning them into golden statues. All of this was done while they were still alive."

"The Ascended Coalition Army, formed by the Russian Army and the Chinese Army, has started to reconquer back the territories lost to the Golden Civilization's Army. This happened after the downfall of one of the Golden Being's Grand Knights."

"First signs of a withdrawal of the Golden Bloody Army! The guerrillas are reporting sights of the Golden Bloody Army leaving their bases behind while heading north!"

"It is a good time to give our appreciation and thanks to the guerrillas defending the American continent from the Golden Bloody Army. We remind our viewers that these guerrillas are not only formed by all kinds of American countries but also by indigenous people of the Amazon."


A white-haired young man lied in the bed of a blue square room, completely alone. It was a sight that could resemble loneliness.

It did not matter that the young boy had a room in one of the most expensive hospitals of the country, or the kind of excellent treatment he received daily by Ascenders with abilities to heal. It did not change the fact that this young man was still unconscious, losing two months of his precious life.

The hospital tried to do as much as they could, but Ethan White never woke up, not even during a single second of these last pair of months.

His parents put pressure on the hospital and even warned them to take legal means, but their mindset changed after being an entire day in the hospital with their son.

After looking at how much effort the hospital spent on treating Ethan White's hands, the White Hole S.A. chairperson could only feel slightly guilty, deciding to stop the threats.

However, even if his broken hands received surgery and healing abilities every day, it was to no avail. His hands were in the same exact state as the day he came. The only difference was that Ethan White stopped bleeding.

The doctors could not understand how his hands were not getting healed even after spending so much human resources and time using their Ascended abilities to heal him.

After a few weeks, his family stopped coming to see him, not even his bodyguard accompanying him. The White Family asked the hospital to call them immediately after Ethan White woke up, resulting in the presence of his parents being a "waste" of their time.

There were not any friends visiting him either. The only people he could call a friend were too lazy to visit him, or maybe they just did not care at all.

Unfortunately, the only one who would have visited Ethan White was dead.

Ethan White turned eighteen a few weeks ago, becoming legally an adult. Some expensive gifts were lying next to his bed, waiting for the sleepy young man to wake up to open them. Nevertheless, the gifts were sent to the hospital by mail and not handed out in person.

In the end, all that was left was a white-haired young man alone in the hospital's room.


In a dark and dusty room that could be accessed by the alley, a tall man with a scar was seated, facing a smaller young man.

The young man had golden skin and purple eyes, some pecks of blue in his greenie hair.

"What do you want of me? I already gave you everything! You asked for money, I gave all my savings to you! You even asked me more, and I got more jobs to be able to pay you! And now you want even more?!" The young man yelled, crying from anger.

The man with the scar laughed loudly after seeing the young man crying, a bloody and chilly look in his eyes.

"Oh? Do not blame me, but your parents." The man laughed even more loudly.

The blue-haired young man could only see how the scary man laughed and cried louder, powerless to change anything.

"Ohhhh, it is enough. Shut it, kiddo. The debt of your parents would be fully paid after we take you away, so you do not have to worry about us taking your younger sister, right? HAHAHAHAHA."

After stopping to laugh, the man placed his hand on his eyes, cleaning the tears. But the tears were not from crying, but not from laughing, as if he had just heard the funniest joke.

"Shadow Brothers, take him with the others." The man ordered after stopping to laugh.

The young man saw as two burly men stepped forward. However, to him, these two were not Golden Beings like him, but monsters.

The right side of the body of one of them was joined together to the left side of the body of the other one, giving a terrific sight. But this was not the only reason to feel terrified at the sight, but it was their fame. He knew them.

He knew who were the Shadow Brothers, as everyone that had any kind of relationship with the gangs knew about them.

Even though the ones having a relationship with the underworld were not him but his parents, there were urban legends about the twins.

At first, he did not think the Shadow Brothers really existed. But after his adulthood birthday, his father told him everything about the deal his family made with one of the most powerful gangs. He also warned him to move away in case something happened.

In the end, his father's worries became a reality. After he grew older, the business went bankrupt, and his family could not pay the enormous amount of money the gang asked annually to drive out their competitors.

The gang initially was nice to his parents, but after getting to know about the business failing, they forced his family to sell everything to pay them.

However, it was not enough. And one day, the gang knocked on their door.