
Ethan White wanted to open his mouth to talk to her, sure that the tortured and wounded monster in front of him was his younger sister, but no words came from his mouth.

He did not know how to explain to his dear sister that he failed, that he could not protect her. He could not save her from this life. Tears were coming from his eyes, a feeling of weakness started to bind to his bones.

Powerless at how life was treating his family, Ethan White tightened his fists. He came close to his younger sister and punched her in the face, pushing her against the wall.

After Ethan White saw how his sister looked at him with her hollowed eyes and her broken nose, bleeding, he went near.

"BAM." He punched her again.

Memories started to appear in his mind, Ethan White accompanying her to school and defending her from the bullies.


His parents surprising them, announcing the founding of their new company.


Their new life as rich kids, showing off in front of other kids of the neighborhood.


The day when they had to run away from home, and the memories of living with only his sister.

"CRACK." Her skull caved in.

Ethan White did not stop when he heard the crack of her bones, nor did he stop because of the disastrous state his fists were in. Even ignoring the sound of the blood dropping on the floor, he continued punching.

He knew that the punches were his own punishment. The punishment he deserved for not being more careful, for letting the gang find them.

He would have tried harder, even if it was not for him, but to protect her. But it was already too late. The gang also took her.

But fortunately, she was sold to the same man who owned him. At least, this time, he had a way to resolve this.

"BAM. BAM. BAM. CRACK. BAM. BAM. CRACK. BAM. BAM." The sounds of punches and bones cracking were heard during the entire night.

The next morning, Ethan White was discovered lying down, unconscious, alongside a fully disfigured body. It was hard to recognize what were bones, what were the flesh, and what were the muscles and tendons.

Ethan White was punished harshly, getting both of his bloody hands cut off.

But after this, he was not the same. His eyes were lifeless. A mad face replaced his usual soft expression.

He still fulfilled his role as a slave, but his face's expression never changed. When he was with someone else in a room, he was as quiet as possible. But when he was alone, maniacally laughs were always filling his room.

Even while his owner was raping him repeatedly, Ethan White did not even try to defend himself. He did not move at all, as if he was just a dead corpse.

After a few weeks, the rich man could no longer tolerate the presence of a broken person in his house. He was sold again, to another man.


His second owner did not pretend to be soft, like his previous one. The man only wanted to generate money, even if it was at the expense of ruining living beings.

The first thing the man did was tasking Ethan White to bring kids to one of his warehouses. The kids had to be at least six years old and female. He was told that the man was going to employ them for a quick work with a nice payment.

Ethan White did not think much about it, his mind still lost. He went to the streets and spent weeks bringing kids to the different warehouses he was told beforehand.

Surprisingly, there were always kids wanting to support their family by working or just wanting to "grow up already" to become an adult.

One day, after Ethan White brought a teenage girl into one of the warehouses, he hid himself using some empty boxes the building had. He found it strange that a warehouse had empty boxes, but he was more curious about what kind of job the man was going to give to the kids.

After a while, some men appeared at the warehouse's gates. They were looking at the inside, checking if there was someone to pick up.

Noticing a teenager was inside, they smiled widely and came closer to her. They were very polite, asking her if her body had any needs she would fulfill before working, and also asking some personal questions about her family.

The teenage girl looked happy, surrounded by the men. But after a few minutes of talking, a man came closer to her and hit her with a road.

Ethan White saw as the group of men attacked her. The girl fell unconscious on the floor, her head bleeding.

"We are lucky. This one can start to work tomorrow. That lad is good at bringing people here, hahahahaha." Ethan White could hear what one of the men said. He became even more curious to find out what was happening.

He knew something was wrong with his new owner since you did not need to knock out a teenage girl to give her some job. It was common sense.

Ethan White followed the group of men for several streets until the group stopped in front of a building on the primary avenue of the city.

After taking a peek into the insides of the building, Ethan White understood everything. His new owner was running a brothel. The man was using the slaves he bought and the women they kidnaped to keep it working, attracting new clients.

Learning that all his hard work was to force innocent girls into brothels, Ethan White's mind went into a frenzy, closing insanity. He wanted to put an end to this. He wanted to end their misery.

He did not know when the world became this dark, people only caring about themselves and money.

His mouth tightened. He wanted to fight and punish them, but he knew that he could not fight that many people. He did not even have hands to be able to punch them.

At this moment, a hidden strength appeared inside his body. This new strength made him feel strong, invincible.

Raising his stumps, the indescribable power went through his body toward his hands. He ignored the people going around the avenue or going into and out of the brothel, letting them think whatever they wanted to think about him. His only focus was his newfound power.

A purple glow started to appear in his stumps, the purple light making the form of his previous hands. Ethan White did not stop to wonder about this power or his new hands formed by the purple energy. He kept focused on what he was feeling.

His wrath and the madness after living as a slave were nurturing the purple energy, making it more intense and bright.

After a few seconds, the purple light extended all around him. The ground started to break, the pieces of the cement starting to float. But this was not all.

The bright and intense purple light extended farther, reaching the nearby buildings, including the brothel. Ethan White saw as the front wall of the brothel was being destroyed, the green bricks floating in the air.

Exhilarated, he could see the inside of the brothel. He could see the faces of the customers, the women forced into sex labor, and the workers with wide, horrified faces.

Ethan White was feeling even more thrilled after looking at their afraid faces. Making the purple energy extend farther, Ethan White started to laugh maniacally while destroying the entire brothel's building.

He also could see that when the purple light touched the people, they began to die, getting their body parts completely pulverized.

After a few minutes, no more traces of the purple mist were seen in the destroyed avenue. Only traces of blood in the ground and destroyed buildings. Ethan White was the only Golden Being in the street, all the other people running away from the killing or being dead.

Ethan White's body was missing his arms, blood dripping from his shoulders. But Ethan White ignored the blood, his mind in a peaceful state of mind.

His mind was only thinking that he achieved his goal. He finally took revenge. With a wide and happy smile, Ethan White closed his eyes and fell to the ground.


In the blue squared hospital's room, the white-haired young man was awake, laughing.

The appearance of a small purple glow could be seen in his hands.