For Paradis!

The following day, Ethan White woke up early, feeling a severe pain in his body. After doing some stretching in his room, he attached his body's ache to what happened last night, since the pain was concentrated on his whole right arm and hand.

A normal person would grow uneasy and even would try to avoid using his powers again if they were in his shoes, not wanting to feel the pain, but Ethan White was not a normal person. In the first place, he thought feeling some pain was a normal procedure that every Ascended had to deal with.

Moreover, Ethan White was obsessed with awakening a power and becoming an Ascended since he first heard about their existence on TV. For him, the pain he was feeling was not an unpleasant consequence of his actions, but a good proof that the mastery over his power is growing.

With the resolve to be able finally to use his power, Ethan White left his room to eat breakfast.

At this time of the day, the personnel of the house were going around crazily. After all, they had to prepare the house and have breakfast ready for the house's owners.

Fortunately for them, today only the young master was present in the house. The mistress, Loren, sent a WhysApp tonight informing that she was on a business trip and she would not be able to arrive home until the weekend. Today being Wednesday gave a considerable leisure time for the workers of the White's House.

Ethan White quickly ate his breakfast and, after handing the plates to a nearby maid, he headed toward the garden. His plan for today was to try to move more of the energy on his body.

In the garden, the Sun could be seen lying low on the horizon, giving the usual green theme of the garden a yellowish mantle. It was a beautiful scenery but Ethan White ignored all of this and looked around the garden, trying to find a comfortable spot to sit on. Also, a place where he would not be annoyed by the gardeners.

After looking around for a while, he finally found a suitable spot. Under one of the bridges used to trespass the garden's enormous lakes, a small piece of land was covered by the bridge's shadow. It was also a hidden spot where one could not be seen easily.

Sitting on the grass, Ethan White closed his eyes and crossed his legs, taking a Buddhist posture. He never stopped feeling the heat inside his chest since he first began to feel the energy last night. Therefore, it was easier to focus on the feeling this time.

Mimicking his past actions, Ethan White ordered in his mind for the energy to move toward his left arm, just that this time, he inwardly wished for the amount to be lowered.

After the energy somehow noticed his will, the strong burning feeling on his chest decreased slightly and Ethan White could feel a small river of fire extending from his chest toward his left shoulder, continuing to his left arm and covering completely his arm on fire. Or at least this was what Ethan White could feel.

'It is easier than I initially thought. Tonight it felt considerably harder, though.' Ethan White felt relieved that the energy was still following his orders, but not surprised, since he expected for this to happen.

After all, if he lost the feeling of his Ascended energy, he would start again from zero, and he would not even know how to feel the energy again. But this, after all, demonstrates that now he was really an Ascended.

But his experiments did not end here. After spreading the energy toward his left arm, Ethan White tried to move the same energy toward all his extremities, one each time. The result was that the heat he was feeling initially on his left arm had spread toward his left leg, followed by his right leg, and the energy was now resting on his right arm.

'I think I got the gist of this, but the quantity is still very low. I do not seem able to move the absurd amount of energy that I still keep on my chest. Well, it doesn't matter. Let's see if I can make the energy leave my body.'

Focusing again, he willed for the energy to move to his hand. After making sure every bit of energy on his right arm is now on his right hand, Ethan White tried to concentrate the energy and release it, making a comical superhero-like pose with his palm extended frontwards.

'And… nothing happens.' Ethan White spoke inwardly.

'I do not understand. I have the energy concentrated like a ball on the palm of my hand. It even hurts a little, but it does not want to go out of my body… What the hell am I doing wrong?!'

Ethan White tried again, yelling the word 'RELEASE' in his mind, but to no one's surprise, nothing happened. Nevertheless, this did not demotivate him, for that he kept trying until the sundown by yelling more words, like 'Kamekameha', 'For Paradis!' and even 'Mellon'. Although he had to be honest that the last word did not make sense, being in elvish, except he really intended to open the gates to the old dwarf kingdom of Moria.

Tired and noticing the Sun already going down, Ethan White decided it was time to stop and head back home. He spent all the day training and even skipped lunch. He was hungry and his body was aching from all the effort.

However, at the moment Ethan White stopped focusing, the concentrated ball of energy lying in his right hand went wild, giving him tremendous pain. Getting up quickly, the pain assaulted all his senses, making his legs slip and fall backwards toward the ground.

"Ouch!" Ethan White complained outwardly.

But his complaint was brief, because a bright purple fog was spreading from his hand and was covering the entirety of the wooden bridge.


"Dragon Devourer System"

I had just released "Dragon Devourer System"! Please feel free to read it!