After meeting Jasper, everyone was in awe of him. He was good looking, good at studies as he stand 1st in everything. Just like everyone I was blinded by that too. But I didnt realized what was it. Since I was so young, I never had any idea of having crushes. But I was kind of mature in thinking like what was good and bad. We have like 6 periods and 5 subjects so one period is either free or we have to do activities. It was such fun classes at that time. As in recess my class boys would play soccer all the time. There were two teams. One team captain was Jasper and the another was Theo. Theo would be like my best guy buddy I had. Because his dad and my dad are both teacher. They both taught at the same school. I mean not my school but another school. Surprisingly Theo's mom was our school headmistress. He was the one who stand 2nd in studies in our class always.
When boys would play soccer, I kind of enjoyed that since you know I have 2 brothers and no sister, I had always watched "Inazuma eleven". Its an anime about soccer team who was nothing to national's best team. I was so excited about that and want to be like them. Theo asked us the girls if anyone is interested in playing soccer since they are short on players at the moment. I raised my hand and another girl raised her hand. It was non other than Bora. Now the captains have to choose their teammate. I really wish to get chose for Jasper's team. But Jasper chose Bora over me. My heart got shattered. Theo came to me and said it's okay, I will be good to you as your big brother. At the end I was the goalkeeper. That was the thing being good to me he was telling. We had played and I kind of enjoyed it. I was always looking forward to football and the small tournaments we had all the time. From what I remember, Bora and Jasper would always team up for like double table tennis tournaments or double badminton tournaments. I always ended up teaming up with Theo. In table tennis, me and theo team came first and in badminton tournaments, Bora and Jasper team came first. It was like total clash between us but most of all these times were best times of my life.