The rival

It's the starting of new year and new class. Everything is going to be alright now. Why? Because I am going to be in same class and same section with Jasper till my graduation day. It was like two whole years. I am the most excited girl to see my crush. My friend Ziya is with me and so does Theo, Tesla and Bora. Last year after that incident where we revealed about Bora being a bully had already came to an end. After that day Bora never ever had messed with any girl. We were now only classmates no more no less. In our class there are senior students too. So starting of our class, the first thing we did was to choose class monitor. One from the boys and one from the girls. Whether its senior or junior, everyone can stand for being the class monitor. As we live in a democratic country , we choose our class monitor through voting so for girls it was me and from boys it was a senior guy. That senior name was Nathan. He was charming in his own way. He was also a shy guy too. In my eyes, he was a good guy and a responsible guy too. This year was going to be so much fun with lots of on and off things like school festivals, sports day, staff day and everything. I was so excited about all of this things.

There was also a time when I noticed that Jasper was so into this senior girl. She was fair, beautiful and had a good height too. Her name was Stella. He was like always after her. In the break time or in lunch. I never saw him getting this much interested in someone before. My heart would always shattered when ever I saw him with her. There was also a guy same batch with her who used to like her a lot too. His name was Paul. I always saw them as an ideal couple and even they both flirted with each other openly in class too. When ever Jasper was like a cute puppy in front of Stella, I was like one day she will break his heart for sure. How can she flirted with like two guys at the same time? But it was always a sad moment for me to see everything. One day during the break time, I saw Jasper giving back hugs to Stella. At that moment my heart shattered all the way down. I know that I am not the one whom Jasper liked but being in one sided crush or love never the easy thing to do but I always wished that Stella not to break Jasper's heart. Since I know what it is like be in pain.