Fourth Chapter - Gaia's Saga


Today morning I woke up. These chills electric down my spine. These demons are hunting me all over my body. I searched for so many answers to understand why you are evil. Don't fail me now.

- Darling I am yours. Is this the end. Is this the end. Is this the reason to deny. Can you catch up?

- I am not your darling. C'mon, you should go away. I must set be free over my consequences. A.K.A you, should leave me. Over down my spine the demons ran over my skin.

I don't be found, I don't want to be found. Another scream to the world. Terror. Let me go. I don't want to be found. I won't resign. My demons won't leave me alone no more. This not reality is more fear.

Every time I sleep away, I am still fighting. I am fearless now, You taught to be safe. Taught me to live and breathe life again. I can't be free, I can't be everything before letting you. I won't given up. I wont gave in. This life gave me too much, a King, a Kingdom, a place. A city to seat upon a throne. I had I made a wish for. I am ready to rule, I am the King, You are the crown. Over these trees whispering our reign, the whispering is an enemy too. Every time the trees sang the sounds to be in cage. The flames around the love whisper a death wish. Dig. Ohh! DIG! I WONT! I WONT BE Alive. Before seeing myself being a failure. The crown made me more safe. It's my body seated on the throne.


This is so raw, I am at war with myself. I need you tonight, I am sleeping too well. Its there something about you that made me wacko. Another touch of fire on my skin, surrounding the moments as fire. Open your eyes is there too much. I seen too much. I made a choice. Never let me inside. Another life to change. Another human to change. This darkness over my skin too poison. Don't let me in chains. Look at me in disguise. The Devil have eyes to see us inside. Are you a demon? Are You? Aren't you a sinner, are you? The curtains to open, to see released. All the sex on the flood. I am at home, in an arch enemy to myself. We think we are all we must to choice. I have blood on my hands, running on my veins purple rivers. Get me to the doctor too feel less pains. These rivers of frozen diamonds underdog, on these pasts. Every try I made or make I am trying to be a good King. I struggle demons all the time, over the time I am searching for a way out to fight and release over wash away. Every wall I try to escape, I waste time for a stage, a bless. I, I, I. Confusion. Landing on the stage to seek a way out. I am a Faith feeling. Can you look in your life how you are so alive? Another tracing footsteps tracks on ice, to clean the trash you made with others. I need lungs to sing to escape again from the common life. Are you ready to live and breathe again? The serpentines sang the most beautiful songs at our ears before their bites. The bite to bleed to death. I gave another bite to you on the healings… Another shot to woke up. It was a savage, I was mean to you, dad save me again. I needed me. Over these years here it comes the healings. Should I leave? Should I stay? To stay or to leave? These years of feelings lost in mind were a challenge. I am the King, the crown is mine. I used to be kind on these lines of the walls and outpost. These situations I was evolved by chasing wolves, with glee and tears on my chick, feeling hard heartbeats. I cannot undo or unto others the same done to myself. I am not fool or even a fool of a took. I cannot die. I cannot kill. Kill or even unto harm to others. This is the end. Is it the end? Can you hear yourself? Can you be yourself? Should I stay or leave? Another war of drums. I cannot dig on a canoe. I cannot dig over the warnings. I was born to lead. I always afraid to conquer. Another system to rip off. Another kingdom to rip off.


We are silence, we are silent. Forever fighting the powers of the stream. My heart is on a cage, inflicted by wounds made in the past. I was trying to change my heart over the years. I was feeling apart over the years. Today I stay away. I stood for a position. Exchanged lies between the sky and dirt. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. These illusions I was fighting were unreal for so many long times.

I was scared to tell to my fearless heart, why the reasons I was betrayed. Should I go? Here go again, the connection is failing. Should I see me as a dream? Should I am a Dream? Am I? Am I a dream?