

It's cold, it's war times. Stay alive. It's warm inside here. Come and sit closer to your dad. It's cold son. Don't cry I am here. You can give me a hug too. When you have a child, you are gonna be a dad. A patriarchal man. Today I am a son, tomorrow a son and a dad. I am the joy of today. I am feeling paralysed. These wounds trying to hide are eating me inside. We are the changes. We got stuck in mirrors. We dive on things that our parents taught. Their footprints will be ours one day.

We are the shadows of yesterday, we shed tears for the past. Today we shed joy. The tears are now water and wine. To be accomplished the scars of the evil. The end of the scourge emptiness moments. We are the assumption. We are the footprints, who led us to war. Surprise. Another mission. Are we immortals. I am immortal. I am the priest of the edge of tomorrow. The sensors will blink over the eyes. I have been all the time. Another submission. Omerta. Omerta. Another family to be saved. Omerta. Footprints. I am the pain. I am the wounds. I am the bullets. How do we live? How do we die? Another world to be saved. A must be saved, Gaia must be saved. These hands were washed so many times. We are the saved persons to a new society.

I am the priest, the priest of the new world. Priests will become civilian people too instead of being church. The humans need real priests not fake ones or with no sense about the family concept. We are a new concept. We are a new religion. Ekron is a new religion. Norke is the language of the new church. In our lives, our kids will see Norke as the new way of living, as being in society. We must stop giving cell phones to children. We will be the footprints. We will be the new wave.