Immortals #2

We are freedom. We are the freedom. We are the Immortals, we are the society. We choose paths to walk. Walk with me my son. Nothing is free, is nothing to be made. Son, I am going to tell you a story. Its Men belief already lost.

Dear Ekron, You see you are now the royal of Bathleron. A place where the freedom is the high belief. Sometimes, time a time is there insurgance killing us. I am telling you the reason, the purpose, the meaning of your protection. On our society is the evil, mean, trying to getrid of you or I. As a dad, I wanna tell you because when the times come for you will be oyu to live of them. The loves, the frictions of life, will always be on your heart-shaped box. Nothing as mean is was always there be closer to you. Try to seek the best persons. Don't close never the eyes. We are Immortals, not never gave up. It's time to change. I need you, I need you. As I see in you I see oyur grandpa, mom. So keep it always, forever. We need you. This is not the end son. Ekron remember who you choose always to be a friend or someone to be a warrior on the army. On your army mission. You are the hunble man, the creed, never go on dark paths again.

- Promise me? said Karlyn to Ekron

- Yes, promised said Ekron to his dear father, die vater.

The humble people is there in minority

Never be lost

You will find you

We will find you all

No matter how

We are all!

We are all!

I see my demons searching for my life out. Over so many time, i couldnt seen, i was blind. Bathleron needs the prince, the king ov tomorrow. Crushing and destorying skulls & bones. So long I couldnt see who was teaching me. The promises made were the beginning on the projects. C'mon, pull the trigger. Who am I? I am the Immortal. The surface. So long I was lost. Its time to time to give love. Be a child, a teenager, an adult. Everything is good and great.

I wanna release to break free. Gimme the guns, we are going to war. All the flaws are purple rain.

Save me the day... Save me the day ... Save me the day ...