Am I bored YES will martial arts help? Maybe

Sapphire Selain 15 days after worrying her parents once again: 'Olivia we have a serious problem.' I was talking with Olivia as I was sitting at the table with my face serious and my hands interlocked. 'What is it?' she replied 'I am bored once again and want to learn martial arts.' 'Can't someone keep this muffin-loving disaster entertained for one day??' Olivia grumbled under her breath 'What did you say cookie loving creep?' I replied in a fake, calm voice. 'Whatever, I guess we can learn it, but I will be fused with you to share my memories I forgot what this martial art is called, but what I know is that it's the strongest out there' 'Okay just hurry.'

Then we fused, we had not fused for a long time. It was more refreshing than we thought it would be, but straight to business, the information was flowing through our mind than we separated. 'You got all that, right?' Olivia said. 'of course I replied the martial art she showed me consisted mostly of kicks counter-attack techniques and speed. Looks like I finally have something to do 'Thanks Olivia' 'Whatever let me go back to sleep' and she did that fast sleeping thing again it still amazes me, but I had other things to do now. I started with the kicks.

These were a lot harder to practice than I thought. It looks like I will have to spend more time than I thought on this. Next up the speed techniques, I started performing one of them, then I realized that it wasn't speed techniques but footwork that made it especially hard to hit me. I stayed doing the footwork for the martial art but I kept getting tired out and to try the counter-attacks I needed someone else to help me. I will do this, this life is no longer boring! After this, I started a five-hour practice regimen dedicated to martial arts, then I trained the martial arts for 5 days. "Ahh,", I let out a refreshed sigh I had finished my daily 5 hours of martial art practice.

It was time for me to shower and eat my progress has been going good my practice on those kicks has been going great too! I can perform the first form which is like a roundhouse kick with more power 6/10 ten times. My stamina has been going up steadily, and the footwork has gone especially well. I can perform 2 forms without the slightest mistake one looks to be more of dodging and the second like a way to attack from the side without getting hit. If I keep practicing like this every day, then I might be able to do all 9 forms of martial art two for every category except the kicks which have three. I then ate, showered, and slept. This morning I had woke up to a surprise! My vision was a little more detailed, not by much, but it was a start.

'Olivia, do you know what's going on?' 'yes I may or may not have gotten you a martial art that trains the power core and the body,' she replied 'IT DOES WHAT NOW!??' 'I expected this eventually but you have been so diligent with your training it took effect but don't worry it doesn't do it nearly a fourth as fast as meditating.' 'Okay, but you should've told me sooner' 'I know, but I didn't realize that you were going to focus on it so much.' 'What can I say I'm just determined not to be bored' 'whatever.' how can she fall asleep so fast!!! It's downright supernatural like I'm talking to a discord mod. Sapphire Selain 6 years old: