
The combat teacher gave us a long lecture on strength, a training regimen to have a healthy body he also gave us a book to show us the training regimens we should undergo depending on our fighting style. After an hour and a half, the class was over. I had a new book and some knowledge I already knew the teacher was glaring at me the whole time, so he must have heard about the whole one-sided beating his son received from me. What a snitch. I was thinking this while waiting for the rows in front to walk out of the room. (The way everyone gets out of the room is the same way people get out of the airplane except in a more orderly fashion.) Olivia only put a little work into fixing her sleep schedule so she barely stays up to noon on a good day. So since it is currently 11 pm she is already asleep and will stay like that until 5 or 6 pm. It was finally time for our row to go up the steps to exit the theater-like classroom. I and Brian were sitting next to each other, so we were still walking together. He is my guide finding everything in this school is confusing. Once we got out of the classroom Brian sighed, "What's wrong?"

"That teacher might be a bit troublesome for you." He was about to go into further detail but I already understood. He's one teacher of the most powerful school in the world supposedly. I think it's just this country but I don't know any countries yet. He's also a very strong a high-ranking noble, and he's my teacher, one that can fail my grades even if I ace the tests. "Yes yes, I understand you don't have to explain further." "Good, you saved me lots of breath." He gave me a thumbs up. We were talking at my locker as we still had an hour until the next class as we have lunch in 30 minutes.

A girl bumped into me "slut." she whispered in my ear, but she walked away too fast for me to say anything. My face turned to that of disgust, I think. "Did that girl just bother you?" Brian said. His aura turned into a quick flash of dark red, one of violence. He heard what she said, and he wasn't happy about it. "Yeah, I don't know what her problem is." It looks like I'm not the only one hiding my genuine emotions under a facade, he looks to be a friendly person sometimes. But naïve, I think he will change.

Sapphire: I and Brian had a nice chat before it was time for lunch. Every boy and every girl looked over our way in disgust. And envy I bet Brian was every girl's dream probably handsome rich you know the whole package, but I couldn't see that. We arrived at the lunchroom it was huge. Gigantic it had every student in there. I think, or at least every second year. We found an empty table and sat. The food that was sitting out was still steaming hot. It looks like one of the cooking staff has heating power or just fire power one of the common ones. This school only has OP users and those who have the more common elemental powers but can control them to an extreme extent. Those who are talented. Are given excellent treatment. Those who aren't well tough shit. That is how this school works: a mini version of the outside world. On our way to the lunch area, I saw at least 10 kids beat to a pulp with their eyes half-closed. Those who were dirty and wet coming from the bathroom. The signs were everywhere, but it's not my job to fix the issues here. "Hey, you look deep in thought are you ok?" "Yes, I am fine." we finished eating lunch and departed for PR class where I hopefully will be able to turn on and off my power.

Well, we walked down the hallway a common sight: a couple of bruised beat-up kids, a kid that got jumped on our way here as the usual. We were standing outside of our classroom we just got there it is time for the most anticipated class of the day PR class. We walked in there were a lot more people here than in the other class I guess they required this class for everyone. But it was different this time when we walked in there were whispers of jealousy and all of that type of shit. "Dude are you abso-." "Absolutely sure you're not a supermodel you've said it a million times today." "I guess I have, but what is going on? You are infamous aren't you?" aha right on the money. "I guess you could call it that." "So what are you infamous for?"

"Well, I guess you'll figure it out one day." I facepalmed myself so close to figuring out the mystery but so far away. We sat down, then the class started. "Hello, my name is Kevin Clein, your professor you may call me professor Clein." "Now for today's lesson first we will be dealing with something very rare. Powers that don't turn off on their own." "When a Power does not turn off on its own when you are exhausted it usually stays on." "So since there are several people in this classroom who can't turn of their Power I'll tell you how." I don't think it's a coincidence he started with this, the Headmaster must've told him to start with this. "Alright, first meditate on your core. Second, when you see your core, there will be a very thin mist around it. That's what's stopping you from turning it off it dims the control over your core." I did exactly what he said and when I looked closer, there was a very thin mist around it I hadn't noticed it until now.

"Next, make that mist cling to your core. That mist also weakens your power or is more inconvenient to use. It is easy to remove it only takes 1 hour minutes at least." I tried making the thin cloud move closer to my core, closer, closer, closer it had taken an hour. When it touched my core, I felt something click in my brain like an on and off switch. I think I got it I felt a change. I still had my eyes closed. When I opened them I was blinded by the light! I could see the light! "Woooo hoo!" I yelled in excitement. I looked over to my left and saw a pretty boy with blonde hair and green eyes. It looked like that was Brian. "I understand you must be excited Ms but please don't interrupt." The teacher said he had a toned body, brown hair and a thick mustache. "Sorry." Brian was lying he looks like a kid supermodel. Brian looked over at me and said, "Woah, you can see me?" "Yes, I can see you. And you were lying. You do look like a supermodel." "He smiled and ignored my statement. "I'm just glad you can see now." We listened to the lesson, and the teacher quotes some famous theories about the origin of these abilities. He showed us some videos on his tablet computer chimera. Of the different levels of Power and he also spread some interesting information. "Once most people hit PR of 20 they can't move up anymore no matter how hard they try but in this class, once you become 3rd years you will be taught how to go above the great ceiling."

I was just daydreaming the entire class time with my arm the only thing supporting my head. I was in a gigantic room, the edges of the ceiling lined with gold even more of a spectacle than it was before I could fully see. He gave us a book on how to make our PR higher and that was the end. "Tomorrow you will have to show what your PR is." before the end of every class the teachers tell us what we will be doing the next day. "Off to our next class!!!" "Why are you so excited about history class?"

I replied history class is the most boring subject of all time. "Well, as a future leader of my household I need to know all the important people's names and their feats, so when they show off I know what they're talking about." "Huh, looks like history class isn't completely useless." In the future, I plan to be a war commander or something because I will be working for the king and queen when I finish school, anyway. So I might have use for a history class. I want to be a powerful and influential person in the kingdom, so I don't have to worry about money or others in a higher position. Maybe I'll be someone who controls the world from the shadows. I dunno all I know is that I want strength and power. Also, I don't want to be immortal if I end up reincarnating somehow again, but I'm going to try to live the best life. We were going to history class in 30 minutes, so this time we stopped by Brian's locker. All the lockers were black. But I excused myself and went to the bathroom.I just wanted to see my face for the first time in years. I ran to the women's restroom to look in a mirror. There were several girls there messing around, cursing all that stuff. I walked in and looked at the mirror. Bright icy blue eyes, olive-colored skin, and jet-black hair.

I looked at my hair it was a mess. I grabbed my hair and put it all behind my back. I looked over and the group of girls looked like they were showing an interest in me. I turned my switch on but this time I tried something different instead of switching it on maximum I put it in the middle The outline colors were fainter but I could still see what they were feeling. When I focused I could see their core size but couldn't see their Power veins. They were being mischievous or at least thinking about it, but before they could start anything I got up to leave. I didn't want a target on my back. No matter how weak they were, they could beat me as a group. Those thugs I killed are nothing compared to those girls. This school must be elite I was about to walk out when one of them said "Gold digger we see what you're doing hanging out with the Ryhem." I just ignored the small fry. If I was going to fight, anyone it better be worth it. I didn't even give them the time of day. and walked out of the bathroom and turned my switch off.