the crescent moon mask

I heard a knock at the door. "I'll go answer it!" Kyla shouted I knew it was Brian, so I stood up and walked over to the door. As soon as I walked over there Kyla finished opening the door. "O- oh hello," Kyla said she looked quite shy I wonder why? Olivia's mind facepalmed herself. 'I think your roommate might have a crush on your partner in crime. 'But why?' I asked 'Because he's her age and handsome, do I even have to say anything else?' 'I forgot how foolish girls are at this age.' 'I don't know if foolish is the right word for it…' 'What other word is needed?' 'More like learning Sapphire.' She replied. I thought about her words she made a good point but I sill think it's foolish to like someone romantically. It creates a weakness t be exploited when they betray you because it will always happen. 'Such a cynical mindset do you trust anyone… sorry stupid question I know you don't.' "There is no such thing as stupid questions only stupid people." I replied out loud in English for the first time in years. It just felt right to say it in English.

Brian and Kyla turned and looked at me oops. "Did you say something Sapphire?" "haha no…" I replied uncomfortably I didn't think they would hear me. "Your voice sounds weird like an accent?" Brian pointed out fuck my American accent came back I tried so hard to get rid of it. "What are you talking about?" I did my best acting. "Huh, I guess it was nothing," Brian said. "So are you going to let me in or are going to keep staring at me?" Brian asked Kyla blushing at how close they were "Y- yeah,' she finally let him in. He directly walked over to me in his casual clothes. "Let's go," I said in a serious voice. We walked out side-by-side Kyla looked more and more hopeless by the second seems like she genuinely likes him. I hope she doesn't get too sad she still very much has a chance for him although foolish she should learn and by far Brian would be the best choice. We walked out the door and as soon as that happened I spoke "Heh heh heh looks like my roommate has some feelings for you." I said with a devious smile with an even more devious voice. "Yeah, yeah, I know," He said with a sad tone of voice. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder "Hey I can tell you what she actually wants with just a glance all you have to do is just ask." "Ah, so helpful." He replied I raised my hand for a high five he looked confused.

I don't know why I just did that, of course, high fives don't exist here. I mind facepalmed. "So any ideas on what mask I should pick?" He asked. "Let your heart guide you," I said some wise master oogway type shit in a singing voice. "I'm being serious." "I am too... sorta." We were down in the main school area we had to walk through to get to the main ground, which I call the academy city. When we got down to the academy city the store where I got my mask was still there. We walked in the same guy wearing a school uniform with a complicated mix of brown and blonde one strand was never just one color. I walked in and waved at the guy "Hello. What are you looking for today?" "Another mask," I replied that voice sounded so uncannily like the voice it scared me. "Oh, I was expecting you two again so I had one made in advance." He knew we were coming? I and Brian shared a look I shrugged. The boy went to the back of the room and got a black mask with a detailed white crescent moon on the forehead. Brian looked at the mask I could practically see the stars in his eyes. We had gone to the counter to pay for it then he stopped us once again. "This is a gift take it." Brian bowed "Thank you." We then left out. "That guy is really nice."

Brian was hopping around with a smile on his face. "Let's go back to the dorm," I said. When we arrived at the dorm I knocked to make sure no one was there. We entered and sat on the couch. "Alright time to get to planning." Brian pulled out his tablet he had taken pictures of all the evidence and the text messages. "First we need to locate their meeting place." He said I nodded. "Luckily for us we don't have to search very hard they were in direct contact with people above them we can lure them into a trap and interrogate them." "Nice plan so far but we need a plan b and what happens if we're defeated?" "I've got a contingency plan set in motion for that." "If we're defeated there is a notice on my tablet that will go off if I don't open it in 2 days. It will notify the school my whole family your family the security and the police." "That's quite advanced." You could do that easily on earth but here it would be nigh impossible without the newest model of tablet or some amazing computer skills. "I know." "Plan b is use lethal force." "That's an oxymoron a plan that isn't a plan." I pointed out. "I know but I've seen what you can do with your bare fists." He didn't have to go further he made a great point. "Yeah, yeah I know." "Next up is we go into the meeting place under disguise or go stealth but warning there might be people that we cannot handle on our own so be ready to play dirty."

I nodded again Playing dirty was easy it was how I won my first fight in this world grabbing whatever would help me. Every time I fight I remind myself "Why would I ever play fair?" "We can't defeat who's at the top they are too powerful with a way too many connections hence how they started this in the first place it would be a teacher or a very powerful 4th year or above." "So we take out what's fueling the whole operation the lackeys." I said "exactly." he replied. "Now who is on the hit list first." "A very low ranking noble Their parents are barons they have a history of some illegal dealings their family specializes in water manipulation. But he had poison manipulation as his Power." "Luka Gurdenburg." "I feel as if I've heard that name before…" "You should've he was at your surprise party." "Oh, you mean that one." "Yes, where soulmates first met!" He said in a grand joking voice. I lightly punched him on the arm. "Any more information on him?" I asked, "Yes, he goes out with his friends on the fifth day of the week every week with his friends at Evil they meet have fin and do other things but that's when we get him." Be very careful of his poison it can get through your sweat glands so finish him quickly and I'll be dealing with his other friends." I nodded. "We'll have another debrief the day of." "Alright." I responded "goodbye." he waved and left.