"Register now!" 2

A month. A whole month.

He hesitated then realized, 'I have to talk to Amelia about this.' So he went downstairs to his wife and started to talk. "Honey, I realize I am being useless right now and have decided I want to join the military."

She looked up steeling her heart as she stopped crying. "I think that's a nice idea but before that, I'd like to try having another child." He completely paused. Then he thought 'I could leave for 5 months then come back for a while.'

He agreed with her idea. "Okay, sure!" Sapphire's dad had been taking time off of work so he had plenty of time for "Activities." But they were both relatively young, so it should be fine with both of them being 28.

… After some "Activities" Also it takes roughly 5 and a half months for mothers to give birth here, so pregnancy tests work a lot faster just so u know.

"WOO HOOO!!!" Amelia yelled out excitedly. She saw a much smaller very much so smaller life force growing in her abdomen. Jack pumped his fist in celebration. 3 hours later…

Amelia held Jack's hand as he pressed the button, his information auto-filled. He was to get ready to go to training camp by tomorrow, which he already did. All there was left was to wait until then.

Sapphire Selain… First-person…

"You good?" A stupid, borderline, mentally disabled question came out of Raimy's mouth.

"Do I look okay?!" I yelled. "Damn, I was just asking!" A yell came out of his mouth in response.

"Ugh, I'm sorry I'm just feeling really stressed." "obviously

." He responded weakly.

I entered another coughing fit throwing up some blood. bad-tasting

water came through my mouth. They even went through the trouble of finding my least favorite foods and water just to make my stay here even a little more miserable.

I braced myself. CRACK! A loud whip cracked on the ground. Someone lashed my face leaving a deep imprint of blood across my face. 30 days have passed

3 hours later… 3rd person…