
I traveled to the blacksmith shop and ordered the rest of the armor set in virtue ranked quality quite pricy but worth it I saw some kabobs on my way here I'll get some on my way back which is right. Now.

Everybody that crossed past me dragged their eyes only appearance. I just wanted a kabob. I saw a group of boys around 15 or 14. I'm turning 15 in some weeks. One in specific ad their eyes on me: dark green eyes, curly black hair, white skin and a jawline most girls would go crazy. He smiled as soon as he noticed me looking at him. He had the sharp canines that I also had and didn't like about myself because of the attention they attracted.

I looked away from him because he noticed me looking at him, but in the corner of my eye I saw his face go back to a faraway kind of look.

…. The boy sitting on the bench near Sapphire.

Hm. She's very pretty, and she looked over here simple. Jackson tapped me on the shoulder. "You like her? I mean, she's even got the cloudy eye look that you always have on your face." I just ignored the comment. Jackson was quite the fool. He would jump over and off buildings without a care in the world. He was energetic, liked to pick up girls and is bold.

He kept tapping me over and over again. "Okay! She's pretty. But she looks like a rich snob, I bet I couldn't get her phone number if I dressed up in my best suit and combed my hair back with gel and everythin'." "You won't know unless you try."

He said with a goofy smile on his face. "Errrghh F*** it. What could go wrong?" I ruffled up my hair, straightened my jacket and walked with a confident walk over there. She caught me walking over and looked completely unfazed.

"Hi." I said kindly. "Hello." She said, as if she had something on her mind. I don' know how to continue this. "You're very pretty." I'm going to go bury my head in a mountain of sand and never leave now. "Thank you." "I bet guys are all over you, but if you don't have a boyfriend already I'd like to have your number and maybe. Take you out sometime?"

1 second of silence 2 seconds 3 seconds 4 seconds 5 seconds that felt like an eternity when in reality she was just trying to plan an answer. "No, sorry I'm already in a relationship." Damn, defeat. "Ah, sorry, then hope to see you around again, maybe?" "Sure."

Wishing I could turn invisible right now. Walking back over to Jackson and the rest of them, they laughed at my failure. "I knew I couldn't even hold a decent conversation with her to see what I mean?" "Theo Theo, you have no game." "What do you mean? I got asked out ten times in the past two weeks from my looks alone?"

I told him, reminding him of reality. "That still leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth. You even get asked out by older women that think you just have a baby face or some ridiculous*** like that."

"You're just salty."

"No, I'm not!" "Mhm."

Sapphire first person…

At least he was nice about it and didn't just keep staring at me. I was moving up in line and was almost at the front. The smell of the nice fresh smell of A5 wagyu steak being cooked alongside the freshest and best crab was making my stomach rumble.

Finally getting up in line, a man with brown slicked back hair and a curly mustache greeted me. Pots and pans were clanging and sizzling were going on in the background. "I'd like the best meat. You have the freshest Crab and the best seasonings you can find." He nodded. "That'd be 50 Heiro."

Completing the transaction, my food was done in almost five minutes. I sat down at one of the tables that was there.