Multi School Tournament (Hand to Hand Combat.)

"Not to take you on a date or anything! I mean Unless you want to!" "Just to be friends?" it sounded like a question just in case because I was unsure after being turned down last time."Sure." All we had to do was align our phones together facing up, and we had each other's numbers… VICTORY!!!!! Putting her contact in, I realized I didn't know her name.

"What's your name?" I asked curiously. She must have a beautiful name to go with the pure beauty she embodies. "My name is Sapphire." "What's yours?" "Theo."

I smiled softly, then asked another question, "Do you want me to walk you home? Or…" "No, no I'll be fine." She said, turning down my offer. "Alright then, have a good rest of your day!" I was leaving.

I turned around and lightly jogged back to my friends, building up enough stamina to teleport back. "So, did she give you her number?" I smirked confidently and put my phone right in his face. "I win!" "What! How??" "Natural charm," I said playfully, bragging to Jackson.

He looked over to the rest of our friends chilling on the tables and benches. "You! Guys, Theo got a hot girl's number! And guess what? He didn't turn it down!!"

They jumped off of the tables and benches. "What? For real?" They all had looks of confusion. "Yeah it's true." "Yeah!!!" "Let's go have some fun tonight!" Jackson said, wrapping his arm around my neck. "Why not?"

I guess I finally see what people mean when they say love at first sight. And hey maybe I have some hope?

… Sapphire

I hopped over some more gates and jumped over two houses and eventually got to the richest parts of Ljos where Relix was located walking into the big building that wasn't he actual school I used my card and my password and went into the school walking through the maze of hallways to my dorm.

I need to meditate. I need all calm thoughts, nothing that can disrupt my thought process. I traveled back to the dorm room. Lying on my bed, I meditated, but ended up drifting off to sleep.

Waking up, I stepped out of my bed, checked the time, and got ready for the tournament. I took my arm that was fully healed from almost killing that girl during the tournament and put on the forearm armor the shins and finally my chest.

They all had a glowing texture to them on the red outlines that looked vaguely like veins. Walking out of the dorm, I lightly jogged to the station to register for the hand to hand combat tournament as it was one of the most expected and didn't go for days long straight the

Tickets were sold out for the tournament. How? I do not know that stadium can easily fit 150,000 people. Since someone preregistered everybody, all we had to do was get our IDs scanned, which was easy since they had one hundred rows just for all of us to enter.

Since the lines moved quickly, it took only ten minutes for me to get to the front and less than ten seconds to get my ID scanned. This time, we were to go to the very top row and watch all the matches begin.

Until our name was called, then our wristbands would teleport us down roughly fifteen seconds after our name was shown on the giant tv screens along with said person we would be fighting. It was time for the real challenges to start.