Dark Knight and Dark Angel

After returning home, he went straight to the bathroom.

There was only one bathroom in their house, and when he arrived he found the bathroom door locked.

His father was in the living room, so the person in the bathroom was obviously Bella.

Women were always in the bathroom long, and Bella was even longer than most women. If she had known he was waiting for her, she would have deliberately lingered more.

Even though he came to the bathroom with very slow steps, Bella who had already sensed the presence of spiritual energy must have sensed his presence.

"Bella, can you shower faster? Uncle Joe asked me to help him at the restaurant tonight."

In the end, he could only plead.

Arthur on earth was quite quiet, but he wasn't that gentle, but here, he had to imitate Arthur's old personality so that his changes wouldn't be noticed by others.

"I just started showering, wait a few more minutes," Bella replied.

"Please don't joke."

"Who's kidding?"

"Sigh," Arthur sighed.

But after he sighed, their father's voice suddenly resounded in the place.

"Bella, please hurry. Don't make your brother late for work!"

His voice was soft but it sounded clear there even though he was speaking from the living room.

Arthur and Bella fell silent. He was taken aback by their father's words because he rarely interfered in their conflicts.

After that, he heard the sound of splashing water from inside the bathroom. That sounded really fast, obviously Bella was starting to speed up her shower.

Even though the girl had a bad personality, she definitely didn't dare to refute their father's words.

Moments later, the bathroom door finally opened. Bella then came out with her body wrapped in a towel.

At over 170cm tall, the girl's body really stood out in Arthur's eyes. Even though her skin wasn't as white as Arthur's, it was still better than most women's skin.

The real Arthur might not feel anything when he saw his little sister's body, but that was impossible for him from earth. His other life makes him think that Bella is another woman who is not related to him by blood.

It was a good thing that Arthur's thoughts from this world kept his thoughts from earth limited, otherwise he would have definitely been aroused the moment he saw his little sister's body.

Still it made him feel uncomfortable.


Bella's cold snort brought him back to his senses.

After coming out of the bathroom, the girl looked at him while gritting her teeth.

"You're lucky this time," she said.

After that, she immediately ran to her room.

Arthur shook his head. He wondered what he had to do to make the girl obey him like a normal little sister.

He then entered the bathroom. He showered very quickly.

After taking a shower, he returned to his room to change clothes.

He would not only help with the cooking, but would also help serve at the restaurant, so he chose to use a white long-sleeved shirt and gray vest as his outfit.

In fact, they were the best clothes she had.

With the strength of a rank two apprentice knight, it was very easy for him to cook without having to soil the clothes he was wearing.

After tidying up his clothes and hair, he immediately left his room.

His father returned to his room, and there was no one in the living room of the house, so he didn't greet anyone when he went out.

The sky was completely dark when he came out. Fortunately it was the era of the steam engine where electricity was already invented.

Of course, for small villages like Van village and the surrounding villages, they usually don't have electricity. But because the villages were very close to the border army bases, the government ended up building a power plant around the village. Even though it was built for the bases of the border army, the excess electricity was eventually supplied to the villages.

At night it is not too quiet in the village. The reason for that was because that village and the surrounding villages were very close to the republic's main road so there were quite a number of people stopping at those villages.

Before going to the Silver Wolf Kingdom, the people in the republic would usually first gather information at the border.

Of course, because the Silver Wolf Kingdom and the Red Star Republic sometimes fought wars, not many people went across the border. However, although the number of people who went across the border was not enough to make the villages prosperous, they were enough to make the entrepreneurs in the villages get some profit.


Joe's restaurant is on the side of the main road. Apart from that restaurant, there are also other restaurants and several bars and inns.

Arthur watched them for a while before walking towards Joe's Restaurant.

The restaurant is open from morning to midnight. With Joe's strength as the third ranked apprentice knight, he could work 18 hours tirelessly.

"Oh Arthur, you're finally here," a middle-aged woman greeted him as he arrived at the door of the restaurant.

She is Sarah, wife of Joe.

"Sorry, I'm a little late," Arthur greeted her politely.

"You came on time, come on in, now Joe is busy cooking, you have to help him!"


They then entered the restaurant.

Since it's on the border of the country, it's certainly not a fancy restaurant. If he were to compare it to the restaurants on earth, he could only compare it to the Master Crab restaurant.

There was still no one in the restaurant, but the tables in the restaurant were neat and clean. There were also various fruits on each of those tables.

Arthur then entered the restaurant's kitchen.

In the kitchen, he saw a middle-aged man with a thin body busy cooking burgers.

Seeing his coming, he immediately stopped and greeted him.

"Oh, Arthur, you're finally here. Our guests will be arriving in a minute, so we should quickly prepare burgers for them."

"Mm," Arthur nodded.

He had helped out at the restaurant many times, so he didn't find it difficult. Her job is to help grill the meat and cook the vegetables. He did it all very quickly.

Now he realized, compared to cooking on earth, cooking in this world was much easier because of his power.

As they start working together on cooking, Joe starts talking to him.

"By the way, this afternoon your dad told me that you make a better burger than mine, is that right?"

"Ehmmm," Arthur cleared his throat in response. He didn't know how to answer.

"Maybe my dad's tastes are a little different." In the end, he could only answer with those words.

"Hey, that's impossible! Your father is the one who eats my burger the most, so his mouth can't be wrong."

"Yeah..." Arthur smiled wryly.

After that, Joe suddenly stopped cooking. He then patted Arthur on the shoulder.

"Your father also told me the plan. I think it's a good plan, it's time for you and your sister to go to the outside world. You two won't thrive if you guys continue to live in this small village."


About 30 minutes later, they managed to prepare thirty burgers.

And right after they finished, the soldiers they were waiting for also came to the restaurant. But their number turned out to be much more, there were more than fifty people.

Therefore, they immediately went to work once again.

This time Arthur had to divide his time between helping cook and serving the soldiers.

He also overheard their conversation while he was serving them with Aunt Sarah.

It turned out that last night they managed to repulse the Silver Wolf royal army from one of their bases, and they even managed to plunder some of their treasure.

As soldiers who participated in the battle, they were also given some of the treasure by their leader.

They rested during the day, and right now, they wanted to spend the treasures they got for fun. After dinner at the restaurant, they planned to go to the bar to spend their evening.

Arthur was quite familiar with some of them as some of them were also from that village and the surrounding villages.

As a resident living on the border, Arthur always pays attention to news related to border wars.

Their victory to the point where they managed to repulse the Silver Wolf royal army from one of their bases left him a little flustered.

The strength between the two armies was actually almost equal, although there was always a loser and a winner, it had never reached such a point.

Therefore, he finally asked. "How did you guys win?"

If it was someone else who asked like that, they would probably beat that person up.

But he was, after all, a rank two apprentice knight. Most of them were only at rank one, some were at rank two, and only a few were at rank three, of course, he was qualified to ask them questions.

One of them immediately answered. "Ha-ha-ha," he laughed first. "That's because their captain had bad luck."

"Oh, what kind of bad luck?"

The captain guarding the base was at least a rank two knight. In that border region, they could be said to be tyrants with their own territory.

"Well, it's because he was captured by the Dark Angel and the Dark Knight."

"They?" Arthur was immediately taken aback.

The Dark Angel and the Dark Knight, they were urban legends, no, they were the legends of the frontier region that started appearing 17 years ago.

It is said that they often arrest people who cross the border.

Actually their whereabouts are also almost unclear.

It was because the people they caught were always unable to remember anything. And even now there are no deaths caused by them.

One thing that happened to the people they captured was that they would lose a lot of blood. But they don't leave scars.

In addition, the side effects of blood loss also do not appear immediately. It only appears after a few hours and sometimes a few days later. No one knows how it happened. And that's why many ended up not realizing that they had been caught by them.

Of course, rumors about them arose because there were indeed quite a few people who had seen them. Some of the people they caught sometimes vaguely remembered about them.

Talking about their appearance, people who had seen them said that the Dark Angel was a woman with black wings. But because she always wore a black robe with a hood, no one could see her face. They knew she was a woman because of her figure.

As for the Dark Knight, it was a man in black armor.

Even as a native who hardly ever left the frontier region, Arthur had never seen them. In fact, he could hardly even believe their existence.

Moreover, they also very rarely caught people, therefore, even if there was someone who lost a lot of blood, many would not believe that it was the result of their actions.

Now the soldiers believed that the captain of the army of the Silver Wolf Kingdom was captured by them.

Arthur would have ignored their words if they weren't border soldiers.

"Well, you wouldn't believe it, I almost couldn't believe it either. But when a fight broke out between us and them, their captain suddenly fell and his skin turned pale."

"That's when we all realized he had almost no blood left."

"The captain was punished by the Silver Wolf Kingdom for his defeat. After that, he started telling those things."

"He said he vaguely remembers that he was captured by them. But he thinks it was just a dream."



After finishing work at Uncle Joe's restaurant, Arthur bought some snacks on the way and he then went home with a brooding expression.

The old Arthur might not have thought much, but the current him was full of curiosity about that world.

He arrived home not long after.

After entering the house, he saw Bella who was reading a book at the guest table.

The girl only glanced at him for a moment before looking back at the book in her hand.

She was angry that she had lost the bet. Even though she paid nothing in the end, but she lost elsewhere.

Arthur didn't feel too worried. Bella sometimes gets angry with him, but her anger usually doesn't last long. After that, she will return to being dominant.

Arthur sat across from her, and he then placed the snack he bought in front of her. They are all her favorite snacks.

After seeing the snacks, she immediately put down the book she was reading.

She stared at her for a while before picking up the snacks. Her dominant attitude had started to return.

"What do you think about living in the town?" Arthur started the conversation.

"That's definitely better than living in the countryside," she replied without looking at Arthur.

"But it would still be bad if we were just small fish in there."

"It won't, we will definitely become big fish!"

"Hmph, do you think that rotten burger of yours can change our fate." She snorted and sneered.

"Only if I become a mage, only then will our fate change."

"And you're going to be more and more dominant towards me."

"No, I don't think so, I just want to change your status from my older brother to my younger brother!"


"Hahahaha, but an older brother/sister won't sulk," Arthur laughed so much that Bella almost scratched his face.

He responded by pinching her cheeks, making her face flush with anger.

But after that, the electricity in their house suddenly went out.

Before they could even react, a candle suddenly lit up in the center of the living room.

Apart from them, there was no one there. So who lit the candle?

Arthur and Bella immediately became alert. It was a border area in the end, robbery was common there.

Of course, someone who dared to rob the village chief's house must have quite the strength. In the border region, there is no such thing as a shortage of experts, in fact, there are more experts there than county towns. Soldiers sometimes stay there after they retire. They would earn extra wages on the condition that they help the border soldiers if they were needed.

Arthur then jumped to Bella's side. He took a posture ready to receive an attack.

"Ahhhh..." Bella suddenly screamed in fear.

"What is wrong?" Arthur asked.

In terms of senses, Bella who had already sensed spiritual energy had senses that were stronger than his, it wasn't surprising that she saw something he wasn't aware of.

"Look over there." Her finger pointed towards their father's room.

Arthur didn't see anything at first, but quickly his eyes widened.

"Dark Knight!"

It was someone who was completely covered in black armor. On his back, was a large black sword.

Ever since he entered the house, he kept thinking about the Dark Knight and the Dark Angel, how one of them had suddenly appeared in his house.

Moreover, from that dark knight, he could feel an extremely strong pressure. He wasn't sure how strong that person was, but he knew he wouldn't be able to do anything if he wanted to kill him.

Seeing that figure, Bella couldn't help but hold Arthur's hand.

Right after that, they suddenly heard their father's voice.

"Why are you guys so scared?"

However, that voice came from within the dark knight's armor.