Look Who's Talking

Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own anything (except maybe OC characters) all characters, places, worlds, universes…etc mentioned here belong to their respective owners and/or companies. 

This is purely a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and (maybe) inspire.




I open my eyes and face the ceiling; the illusion of the dream painfully shatters when I bring my hand up to my face. I wasn't back at home, home as in the first life I lived. My mom wouldn't be calling me to ask if I'd prayed before anything else, my dad wouldn't shoot me an early morning text that consisted of puns and setups for even more puns he'd get to revealing as the day progressed. 

I push myself up to my feet, make the bed, arrange the pillows and pull out my attire for the day—black long sleeves, blue jeans and sneakers next to the back up suit. 

"Alexa, play me Legacy."

"Playing Legacy by Eminem."

Shit, that's free advertisement right there, pay me amazon. 

Shut up brain. 

I entered the shower and put the water on cold for an added energy boost. The icy fluid was enough to rouse me from my slump, the echoing music fueling me with drive. The door opened, with my back to it I didn't know who it was, but it closed immediately. A mistake on the opener's part, I was gorgeous to look at.  

Give me strength o emperor of man. Forgive the xeno filth that flows through my veins.

"Hahah" I laughed at the flimsy prayer offered up to a non-existent god, hoping my humor would overshadow the longing of a home I'll never see. 

I completed my morning routine and proceeded to get dressed, packed my books into the backpack slung over my shoulder. I made it out the room and ran downstairs, "Mark, no running!" Debbie's concerned voice came from the kitchen. 

"Good morning." I yelled back. 

Nolan was seated at the dining table, a fork bearing a sliced chunk of pancake in one hand and a newspaper in the other. He looks human, happy even. 

"Good morning." I repeated to him. Catching a hunger inducing whiff of perfectly made pancakes.

"Morning son." He replied with a smile as I shoveled chocolate covered pancakes and a tall glass of milk down my throat. "Slow down, it's not running."

"Don't wanna be late today." I said. He shook his head and left me to my devices, refocusing on his paper. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a carton of unopened orange juice from the fridge, twisting the cover off. I was about to drink directly from the teat of the liquid sunlight box when new mom threw me a murderous smile.

I choose peace o novel mother of mine. 

"Ok, ok." I acquiesced, grabbing a glass off the counter and pouring myself a cold drink of orange goodness. 

"See you all later." I stashed the cup and left for the door.

"Stay out of trouble." That was the lady.

"Give em hell my boy." That was the old man.

"Ok, I will." Give them hell and stay safe, if I can. 

I closed the door behind me, took in the resplendent rays of morning sunlight and a deep breath of fresh air, waved at a neighbor or two—two being a secret agent who lived opposite us, probably with a team of surveillance specialists all keeping tabs on Nolan most importantly and his family. 

Didn't matter, they were essentially Facebook in person, I found a secluded spot and quickly took off into the skies, boring past tufts of cotton white clouds as I began for my destination. 


"Oh!" He exclaimed again, turning the dials on his tricked out monocle shaped magnifier thingy— yes, I didn't know what it was officially called since it didn't look like anything I could properly name— to get a closer look at the inner workings of the Flaxan tech I'd brought him. 

I said I didn't want to be late, but not what for…guess it was school all the same

"So I was thinking about laser eye beams for the goggles, the inbuilt AI could regulate the lethality of the blasts based on intent and maybe even target strength."


"And maybe an arm mounted device that'll allow me to throw high yield plasma bolts like spears or even ki blasts."

"Ki blast?"

"Imagine a high intensity plasma beam collected and coagulated into a spherical ball that you can then shoot at your target."

"More like throw, nothing here could shoot that much firepower and not be the size of a cannon."

"Fine by me Art."

"Listen kid, your creativity scares and motivates me. But I have to tell you that it could get deadly, even for you. A runoff explosion could turn your bones to ash."

"Good to know…so, how soon can I get it?"

"Did you hear what I just said?"

"Of course I did. Art I trust you to do the best job, you need to trust me to use it properly and survive it if I don't"

"Haah" He let out an exasperated chuckle. "You're one hell of a smooth talker. Well since you provided most of the materials, and a clear-cut picture of the upgrades you want, we're talking three days, maybe less."

"Wow, I thought it'd take longer."

"I'm not the best in the business for no reason." He grinned.

"Thanks, Art. You can put it on my Dad's tab." I clapped him on the shoulder and turned to leave.

"Pfft, yeah right." 


"Dude, stop."

"I just want to know how it's possible for you to change this much in a day?"

"Puberty and work out."

"As if."

Sigh. I shook my head at him and removed the books I needed from the locker.

I knew I said I'd be a good friend and I'd remember his name and all that jazz…but cut me some slack, it's been a decade since I last saw the fucker. 

He disregarded my personal space and started getting touchy with my biceps and shoulders as we walked to class. 

I ignored him for the most part since I wasn't gay in the first place, and second, he was just mirin, something I couldn't fault him for since I too have mired. Let they who have not mired cast the first stone…that's what I thought. 

"Can you tone down the 'fuck me' look in your eyes." Perhaps now it's a bit too much. 

"Woah, woah, dude I'm just curious is all." He said with an even more intense 'fuck me' gaze in his eyes taking his seat on the desk to the right of mine. It was unsettling to say the least.

"You do realize I'm straight don't you?"

"We're young bro, we can't be too certain of our preferences now."

"I'm pretty sure of mine. So, cool it already."

"Aww you two should get a room." Joked Renee who sat on the desk to my left. "Hey William." She greeted. 

"Hi Renee." I was surprised when lanky kid smiled and waved back at her.

So that's his name. 

"You on steroids or something." She turned to me.

"Not even a hey or hi?" I brushed off her question. 

"Hey Mark, you looking great, are you on steroids?" Her smile was as sweet as her scent of sugar lemon and strawberry. 

"I'm glad you finally noticed my greatness, but no, I'm not on steroids or anything like that."

"How'd you get so…"

"Ripped, shredded, chiseled?" Interjected lanky—I mean William. 

"Hot, actually, but yeah." She craned towards me.

"It's a secret. I could tell you all about it over some ice cream."

"Oh, smooth transition playa. You paying?" She inched closer.

"Friday, after school. You coming?" I reciprocated. 

"Tempting…but no thanks!" She teased mischievously and leaned back into her chair. 

"Hmm" I smiled at her and leaned back in mine. 

"Settle down class," Said the literature teacher who entered, "Hand in your assignments, and turn to page sixty-three on your textbooks. Let's have a quick summary before we continue."

"Better luck next time bro…" William cheered me on, and then whispered. "Let me get a quick look at your assignment."


The day went as one would expect—normally, mundane even, for a high school with superheroes that was quite the rare occasion, well it would've been that way had she not approached me with an offer I couldn't refuse. 

"We have to stop meeting like this." I broke past the sound barrier leaving a sonic boom behind me that rattled the girl in pink, making her grow increasingly annoyed at my antics. 

"Will you slow down!" She yelled. Guess the flight race wasn't as much fun when you were outmatched through and through.

I decreased my velocity and prepared to burst past her the moment she'd open her mouth to speak as I had been doing since we hit the skies. 

"You better not." She warned, sensing my intention. 

"Listen, people will think we're dating if you keep dragging me out at lunch."

"You wish." She sneered, picking whatever win she could claim even if it was verbal. 

"You could always just ask for my phone number." I floated next to her, my hands behind my head in a picture-perfect laid back pose.

"Or you could ask for mine." She shot back.

"No way, you'd have to buy me a very expensive dinner first."

"You're exhausting."

"That's what she said. No, really." I dodged a playful punch. 

"We're here" She took a straight dive beneath the cable bridge, spiraling under and through the space between the low piers like a flexible needle only to fly upwards and land on the tip of the support tower with a smooth backflip. 


I flew straight to the apex and descended. She crossed her arms and held a winner's smile on her face as though the one with the most extravagant landing was superior. 

"Is this where you kiss me?" I smile.

"Not in your dreams." She reciprocates the gesture. 

The ground beneath us rumbles and shifts downwards, splitting at the center and retracting to the sides to reveal your basic secret superhero base. Books line aged, wooden shelves that were as tall as the walls they occupied. 

A laboratory-like workstation with computer screens set in a semi-circular manner around expensive looking yet fairly used machines took up an entire section of the base accessible via its own dedicated staircase. Metal boxes lined one corner next to a high powered jet turbine welded into the wall, I assumed it's function was one of ventilation but it seemed like overkill for that alone, I might be wrong. 

Recreational devices and items sparsely occupied the more spacious areas of the vicinity, adding a somewhat homely feel to the environment, something the other two bases I'd been to had little of. It even smelled of forestry air freshener, flowery perfume and fresh deodorant— an aroma suffused into the very atmosphere from just how frequent its occupants applied it. 

It felt more like a dorm turned secret base.

The doors on the opposite wall, I assumed either led to a storeroom or a living area.

"Where's everyone?" I asked. 

"Looks like we missed them. I think there's someone in the shower though, give me a minute." She said, walking into one of the doors.

I looked around the base, curious of the secrets held in the laboratory I knew was operated by Robot. Since I was already paranoid, it's safe to assume that I was being monitored at the moment by the super genius who no doubt had surveillance devices within the base. 

I went to their fridge, ransacking it for a cold drink and a quick bite. I knew it was bad manners to do so, but…well, I'm a guest. That was the only good excuse I could come up with. 

"Are you fucking serious!" Eve yelled.

"Look I was just thirsty—oh" She wasn't talking to me. 

I walked towards the half open door, three versions of Duplikate—I remembered her name because I had dreams of an orgy consisting solely of me with an endless number of her— and one Rexplode, or perhaps Rexsplode stood equally naked with nothing but their hands to cover their privates. Cold. 

"What? We all know you're seeing invincible!" He yelled back. 

I am being used as a scapegoat. Word of me going out with AtomEve were only jokes I made to her alone, and even if people assumed such those were people in our school, people he'd have no contact with. 

"You're so full of shit!"

"Oh please, you know it's true!"

"It's NOT true! And you Kate, I thought you were my friend!" I took another sip of the drink. 

I hated this.

"Eve, I--"

"Get out of my sight" She sounded calm, the cold, simmering wrathful kind. She walked out the door, her eyes met mine—the straw that broke the camel's back— the cold exterior shattered, tears streamed down her face as she sobbed. 

I embraced her, picking her up as she coiled her arms around my neck and buried her face in my chest to hide her pain and maybe salvage some dignity. 

I really hated this. Especially having to deal with the aftermath of someone's mess. 

I tossed the drink with so force it shot through the closed door and embedded itself into the bathroom wall with a boom, earning me yelps and screams.

To top it off we had a funeral to go to and something even more important after that.


"It's okay Eve, you'll get over it." She put her head on my lap, her hands wrapped around her legs as she curled on the bed. 

"I just can't believe he'd do that to me." She said, hurt and disappointed. I was the wrong person to deal with this, I needed a way out. "How could he do this to me Mark?" She looked up at me, so vulnerable and defenseless…

Go ahead, do it, she needs it.

No. shut up brain. 

Why can't new mom walk through the door when I need her to?

I'll just give it to her straight. 

Hell yeah boy.

Shut up brain!

"Eve I need you to know you're a wonderful person. You deserve much better and it's baffling it took you this long to realize that." Is something someone should've told the women I got involved with. 

"You're stronger than this. The way I see it, you can either cry and mope around about it—but I have a good feeling that's not you— or you can get up, go kick some ass and prove me right."

Her gaze lingered, her eyes were locked on mine, she was craning her head up about to--

Ring! Ring!

Thank God. 

"I have to take this." I said standing up to reach for the phone by the dresser. The caller was unknown. 

"Hello." I answered.

"Mark, it's Cecil. Your dad is occupied and we have no one else to handle this. Kid, we need you."

"I'm listening."


Dun dun dun duuuun oyashashimi gotsayzumasu that's jevanese for I missed you too!

Things are picking up for like…our like…homeboy Mark. Kek. I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter, I also hope it made your day slightly better even. 

Will Mark bite the forbidden fruit? Is he ready to face the interstellar threat heading for his planet? Stay tuned to find out what happens next time on Invincible Me.

Leave a like, or a comment, or a kiss. Spread love my citizens. Till we meet again, it was I your favorite, Rain! Muah<3 

The Piper and The Huntsman: https://www.amazon.com/Piper-Huntsman-Hunt-Reign-Reid-ebook/dp/B092RDS87S

Big thanks to my Patrons, you do not realize the magnitude of good your support does. Thank you very, very much;

● Andreas Samuelsson (Slade Killson) ● Clinton (Titan Breaker) ● David J (Celestial Devastator) ● King_Reaper ( Kaiser Raiser ) ● PbookR (Infinity's Librarian) ● Ido Gormizo (Gravity's Tyrant) ● Godkingash (Heavenly Overlord) ● Frodo the fourth (Eternal Emperor), Belduim (Moon Maker)● Robert Jefferson (Notorious BFG) ● Simply Invincible (Onepunch Lord) ● Scott Shar (Fade Lord) ●Zack Crum (Master Z), ● Douglas Bernard (Atom Smasher) ● Douglas Pilkington (Storming Sword), ●Rebek (Radioactive Knife), ● Xedex (Kill Billie Jean),● Joseph Bipp (Bad Prince) ● Turtle (Slow Die) ● Aaron Kay (Mean Keyz) ● Jeffery McClurg(Chief) ● Devan Kincaid (Killa Tin) ● Scuffed Beetle (Jedi Goner) ● Wiley Chris (Pierce Bonbon) ● SavedMeerKat78 (Feral Idol) ● Windblown leaf (Gale Force) ● OneManArmy (Gun Gator) ● Wolfdragon Sage (Fire King) ● Ryan Mcmullen (Reynolds Slayer) ● Danny M (Phantomizer) ● Adam Moret (Kilforce) ● Traxel Wilson (Deathhold)

Well, I'll leave you all to enjoy your day/night with me in your mind.

Till next time, Rain (the best ever) away!

You can come find me, 

ON TWITTER: @Rainreider https://twitter.com/RainReider

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On YOUTUBE: https://is.gd/RaiNation

On INSTA (Where I post memes): @rainnmaine