Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own anything (except maybe OC characters) all characters, places, worlds, universes…etc mentioned here belong to their respective owners and/or companies. 

This is purely a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and (maybe) inspire.





The skies above the broken spires and fallen buildings was a murky crimson with stains of ink black clouds floating amidst its depth. 

A gut wrenching cry resounded out as a body cut through the darkened clouds, the heat of reentry marking its path downward as it speared through buildings and landed with such force as to deeply crater the ground beneath it. 

Mark coughed weakly, hacking up frothy blood, shards of bones and ambiguous pieces of his organs as he tried to have air enter his starved and broken lungs.

Nolan dove down like a rod of lightning hurled from heaven, he tore outstanding streaks of white streams through his motion. Mark saw it coming, dread clouded his mind as he tried moving, he tried but failed. He was in shock and paralyzed by terror. His body refused to respond from the sheer staggering amount of damaged he had sustained. 

He roared, in fear, at first, but fear did nothing. So in fury, he swore an oath to his own soul as his voice thundered through the atmosphere. 

Nolan's foot crushed the boy's right rib and dug all the way through his back, leaving a deeper crater beneath his son. His foot would originally have gone through the teen's spine, but Mark had managed to move at the very last moment. Dodging the paralyzing strike for an instead fatal one.

The pain was blinding, but the hate kept him lucid. The anger and resentment he held for himself being this weak kept him wide awake and very aware. With bloodied eyes he stared at his father's calm blue.

"Hmm. That's good, fear is weight that only crushes your spirit. Anger is the key, focus that anger and use it. Use it to sharpen yourself, to grow stronger." Nolan pulled his leg away, blood and mushed tissue dripping of his sole.

"I, kaff kaff, I…will—" Mark held onto Nolan's foot, his fingers digging into flesh with surprising strength. 

"If you have time to talk then you have time to fight." Nolan raised his boy up by the hair, looking through the foot shaped hole through his side. "Don't run from the pain, just give your opponent more than he gives you." His punch whizzed through the air, landing on the teen's face with a loud boom!

Mark's broken teeth lashed across the bone littered ground, shattering the skeletal remains of the Flaxans that once dwelled within the city-sphere. Nolan punched again, harder than the last. The teen's jaw poked unnaturally through his skin. 

Again, he punched, "Fight through the pain Mark, fight or die!" He punched the hardest, the teen's eye fell out of his socket, hanging onto his half-deformed face by an exposed optic nerve. 

He should be dead. Nolan thought, he wasn't aiming to kill his son, but he held nothing substantial back with the boy. If he died, he could explain it away with the Flaxans being responsible. Except Nolan, despite his ruthlessness, truly saw it as a waste should the boy die. He was shaping up to be a fine warrior, any other Viltrumite would've already perished from the incessant and brutal assault and lack of respite, even his healing factor was overtaxed. 

But he was Nolan, and this was his son. His son had to be better, greater than just any other Viltrumite. And if he couldn't? Perhaps he had been too optimistic at the boy's potential then. He sighed, drew his arm back for another punch, one that would tear Mark's head clean off. It was a shame, he admitted. His drawn arm arm trembled, he loved the boy the same, but he had a duty to see through. He'd already killed his friends in the guardians, this was but another step in the plan, one he never thought he'd have to take.

He watched the boy, blood seeping from every tear and break in his pounded face, eye jutting from the socket, lips shredded with blood drooling through them.

It had to be done, Nolan aimed. The boy's one closed eye shot open and met his. The rage and pure will in burning those eyes was near palpable. Nolan could almost feel the infernal heat they held within. 

Nolan spotted a swift movement before his vision was filled with red. The boy had spat blood into his face, effectively blinding him. A foot split the air as it landed on Nolan's groin. "Argh!" Omni-man dropped the teen, who in that fluid moment, brought his forehead down on Nolan's nose bridge with as much force as his entire body could muster.

The resounding attack created a tempestuous airflow that sent dust, rubble and bones flying. Mark glared wide at his father, a bloody steam wafting up from his forehead further deepened the demonic glow of his bloodshot eyes. 

He rushed Nolan, unleashing a frenzied attack of blurring fists, too fast to appear individually. Nolan saw his son's hands disappear, followed by the ocean of knuckles. It was akin to being struck by a thousand elite Viltrumites at once. His already broken nose, shattered from the sheer magnitude and frequency of attacks on him.

"I AM INVINCIBLE!" The boy roared with power, gales of air spreading out in a concentric circle around him, his thunderous voice shattering glass and bones as it ripped through the near lifeless world.  

"You just might be." Nolan laughed, dusting himself up with a wide grin on his face—a stray thought wondered how Mark could roar with such power while still missing an entire lung. His son had the capacity, drive and making to become the strongest Viltrumite and he was still just a teenager. Nolan laughed louder, "This is what it's about boy, this is what it means to be a Viltrumite! Pure, brutal domination and dominion; Crush everything under your feet, you must become the apex, no one else, not even gods must be above you."

The boy replied with deep angry bellows. 

"Yes, Mark, come show me your power. Your limits are nothing before your will. Come and prove it to me!" He shouted. "Prove that you deserve your place in this damned world!" He smiled, welcoming his son's attack which came at such an amazing burst of speed that left his standing outline in blood where he once stood. 

He could feel the strikes now, they had enough force to hurt him, enough power to actually get to him. A wider grin resurfaced on his face, the man in him was proud of his son, the warrior in him was joyous at his opponent, the Viltrumite in him finally accepted the boy as one of his own and not just another face. 

He had fathered a worthy progeny and successor. He was very proud indeed. 


Ohhiyougosayashew that's Japanese for Wowwowow! What a chapter! 

I hope yall enjoyed this bloody offering detailing a fraction of our boy's time in the Flaxan home world. Did more happen there? Maybe so, maybe not. We'll find out as the story goes on.

I hope this one made ya day tho. Please, stay dangerous. Love yall x9000.

Pray for Rain my people. Pray.  

eave a comment/review and likes. Feed my soul.

GIGANTIC shout out and thanks to my Patrons, you do not realize the magnitude of good your support does. Thank you very, very much;

● Andreas Samuelsson (Slade Killson) ● Clinton (Titan Breaker) ● King_Reaper ( Kaiser Raiser ) ● PbookR (Infinity's Librarian) ● Ido Gormizo (Gravity's Tyrant) ● Godkingash (Heavenly Overlord) ● Ibrahima Gueye (Relentless) ● Douglas Pilkington (Storming Sword) ● John donut (Sugar Rush)● Turtle (Slow Die) ● Devan Kincaid (Killa Tin) ● OneManArmy (Gun Gator) ● Danny M (Phantomizer) ● Adam Moret (Kilforce) ● Leslye Pena (Red Sage) ● Patrick Seastar (Jack Sins) ● Mahad (Power Supreme)  ● Kobe Brown (Gold mamba)● Garrett Conley (Mufasa Lincoln) ● Xerias (Spartaforce) ● Luther.T (Rexor) ● Echan Clinch (Oni Oni) ● Baron_Dio (King Menace) ● PhotoStorm Photography (Night Shadow) ● Jordan Rinaldi (Baller) ● Herb (Big Groot) ●

Well, I'll leave you all to enjoy your day/night with me in your mind.

Till next time, Rain (the best ever) away!

You can come find me, 

ON TWITTER: @Rainreider



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