Hey guys how you been I know it's been awhile but hey your here now so that's what is important, anyways let's catch you up on what's been going on since we last spoke….ummmm oh Barry and iris are dating so that's good and Joe has been really flirty with Cecile if he only knew hehehe.
Also Caitlin and me had a serious conversation a couple weeks ago which honestly surprised me like seriously….author just roll the damn flashback shit.
[Flash-Back Two Weeks Ago]
Caitlin Pov:
I don't know how much more I can take don't get me wrong I love my Bart, but he is just too much I can't keep coming to work with a limp i am really sore maybe I should have him go out and get me some sisters to share my pain..now don't get me wrong I love Bart so much it's just he is so sweet,loving,brave, and I can't help but feel like I'm hogging him to myself and I know he loves me more than anything I do truly.
Now I just need to figure out how to bring this up to Bart ohh there he is let's just go and talk to him I just hope he understands.
Bart POV:
While I am keeping myself busy here in the cortex i here a clicking of heels and automatically know it's Caitlin which bring a smile to my face but I just continue working pretending I don't here her.
" Bart…babe?" Caitlin says as she stand in front of me.
"Oh hey babe wassup?" I asks skeptically.
"Ummm…can we talk?" She asks.
'Gulp' " those are three words you never want to hear!" I say nervously.
"Don't worry babe it's not babe…I hope!" Caitlin says equally as nervous.
"Okay then…let's talk" I say.
"Bart you know I love you a lot but I think I need a couple sisters to help me with your…stamina!" Caitlin says nervously.
" wait…wait…wait are you saying what I think your saying!" I says skeptically but also a little excited.
" yes I think you should build a…'cough'…harem!" Caitlin says shyly.
"Uh huh…are you sure about this?" I asks nervously.
"Yes I am…I can't keep coming to work with a limp because you want to go at it for hours you are really rough babe!" Caitlins says pointing.
" okay only if your sure!" I say confidently.
"I am babe I promise but make sure these future women know I'm first okay!" Caitlin says smiling evilly.
"G-Got it babe!" I say nervously honest to god scared right now.
"Good!" She says smiling before leaning and giving me a smoldering hot kiss and walking off to her lab.
"Woah…she really just gave me permission to build a harem!" I say a little excited.
"You lucky bastard!" I hear Cisco says which honest to god scared the shit out of me.
"Cisco…shit you scared the fuck out of me, how long you been standing" I asks still trying to breathe.
"Long enough to know you give it to Caitlin rough and now understanding where her limp came from but back on topic she just gave you permission to build a harem…you come straight out of a anime!" Cisco says smirking.
"I guess I'm just lucky!" I say smiling while looking in Caitlins direction.
"Uh huh well I'm headed back to my lab!" Cisco says before walking off.
>Flash-Back Ended<
So you should all be caught up except that Caitlin finally told me that frost is manifesting and she is scared but I decided to tell her about the future involving frost and that seems to have alleviated her fears about she actually seems genuinely happy and I love that and Cisco's punk ass went and told everyone about me and Caitlin's conversation making everyone slack jawed at the revelation but who cares a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do you dig!
Now currently we are trying improve my speed with this tachyon enhancer just to see how much faster it will make me I cant wait to meet Kara and Alex this is gonna be fun.
A/N: I know short chapter guys but next chapter will be about meeting Kara and I'll make sure it is longer alright see you guys later!!