[5. Dueling System: Guide] - Information Chapter (5)

[5.0 Dueling System Rules]

- The Duel begins when both Zero Watches have been linked to form Spiritual Shield.

- Unless an extension is required, the Duel will last no more than 10 minutes.

- To establish/initiate a link, the Duelists must come together and exchange battle data, which provides them with knowledge about their fighting styles.

- Both Duelists have two minutes after the link is established to read through their details.

- The Duelist's score increases every time they deal a blow on their opponent.

- The Duelist on the Field wins if an opponent is knocked unconscious, pushed out of the line, or disarmed.

- Depending on the score, duels usually last one to three rounds.

- No killing is permitted.

- If the shield is shattered, the Duelist who is still standing wins.

- The standings alter after each Duel, depending on the situation.

- If the timer reaches "ZERO" and both opponents remain on the field, both are considered to have lost and are barred from dueling for the following 7 days.

- If they duel during the time out, they will receive a strike, and their score will be wiped once they have received all five strikes.


- Dueling is divided into several categories: 1 vs. 1 - 2 vs. 2 - 3 vs. 3 - Free for All - 1 vs. 2 - 1 vs. 3 - Battle Royale (on rare occasions) - Speed Duel - 5 vs. 5 (War Race)

[5.1 Dueling Categories]

- One Versus One: A 10-minute classic combat between two Duelists.

- Two Versus Two: A 10-minute double Duel involving four Duelists. |(The winning couple each receive a score).|

- Three Versus Three: A three-on-three traditional Duel between six Duelists lasting ten minutes |(The winning trio each receive a score).|

- Battle Royale: A Dueling festival in which over a hundred Duelists compete against one another on a large Battlefield. There is no time limit on this match.

- Speed Duel: A Duel in which the two Duelists compete in a 3-minute time limit, with a larger chance of a strike but a higher score.

- One Versus Two: Three duelists compete in a 10-minute Duel, one solo and the other two as a team.

- One Versus Three: Four Duelists compete in a 15-minute Duel, one solo and the other three as a team.

- Five Versus Five/War Race: This is a school-specific training approach in which ten Duelists fight as a team of five on a medium-sized battlefield with barriers around them. Their objective is to either eliminate all five members of the other team or to completely destroy their wooden base. This style of Dueling has a time limit of 25 minutes.

[5.2 Duelist Rank/Tiers]

- (F) Rank: Battle Score between 0-15,000

- (D) Rank: Battle Score between: 15,000-45,000

- (C) Rank: Battle Score between: 45,000-150,000

- (B) Rank: Battle Score between: 150,000-950,000

- (A) Rank: Battle Score between: 950,000-1,450,000

- (S) Rank: Battle Score between: 1,450,000-2,250,000

- (S+) Rank: Battle Score between: 2,250,000-2,750,000

- (SS) Rank: Battle Score between: 2,750,000-3,500,000

- (SSS) Rank: Battle Score between: 3,500,000-5,000,000

- (Low Tier Master) Rank: Battle Score between: 5,000,000-7,500,000 (LTM Rank)

- (Mid Tier Master) Rank: Battle Score between: 7,500,000-8,500,000 (MTM Rank)

- (High Tier Master) Rank: Battle Score between: 8,500,000-10,000,000 (HTM Rank)

- (Elite Tier Master) Rank: Battle Score between: 10,000,000-15,000,000 (ETM Rank)

- (Ultimate Tier Master) Rank: Battle Score between: 15,000,000-30,000,000 (UTM Rank)

- (Legend Tier Master) Rank: Battle Score between: 30,000,000-50,000,000 (LLTM Rank)

- (Zero Tier Master): Rank: Battle Score between: 50,000,000-85,000,000 (ZTM Rank)

- (Max Zero Tier Master) Rank: Battle Score between: 85,000,000-100,000,000+ (MZTM Rank)

- Duelists receive a 5,000-7,000 combat score for winning a classic duel, depending on the level.

- Winning against higher tier ranks normally provides them a 10,000-15,000 battle score boost.

- Winning a Battle Royale gives them a gigantic 50,000-100,000 battle score boost,

- Winning a Speed Duel gives them a medium 20,000-30,000 battle score boost.

- Losing lowers their combat score from 0 to 15,000 points, depending on the difficulty.

Note: Whenever a newbie begins their climb to the top, their Zero Watch will send them to the beginning Duelists, as their Social Link Initiation is that professional and intelligent.

[5.3 Tournament Dueling]

- Another festival that takes place every year is this kind of dueling. It is a global dueling competition in which thousands of duelists compete to reach the top of the Dueling Tower by winning duels.

- Duelists have the opportunity to retry if they lose during the festival, which normally lasts a month.

- The tower begins with a Reception/Information Room and then climbs to the 30th story, where the Duels take place.

- The prize not only boosts their combat score dramatically (1,000,000 Battle Score), but also provides them with a yearly salary of $10,000,000.

Even if the Duelists do not win the worldwide championship, they will still gain combat scores ranging from 10,000 to 500,000 merely for participating.

- When two of the finalists/Duelists reach the top, they compete to see who will be the winner.