"Betrayal" (044)

Nina sat at her room's desk, writing in her diary while letting the moonlight beam through the window into her room.

"There wasn't much to report, but I'm content. Kiyoshi, Shigeru, Yumi, Elliot, and Nobuhiko, our classmates, came to see us in the Spiritual Realm with the most unexpected arrival-"

She continued to type forward while smiling sweetly, and after a few minutes, she finished, turned off the light, and sat down on her bed, wrapped in a large and thick blanket.

Ayuka had been clad in white underpants and a T-Shirt in the next room, hugging her pillow and pressing her knees closer to her belly, with only a few tears falling down.

"... Everything that has been going on... it doesn't feel right... I'm not sure if I should tell him anything about it. No, that's not the wisest decision... but should I really keep it a secret from him... shouldn't he know, too?"

"Should I simply keep it to myself, or should I tell him... N-No... I'm confident that once we locate the antidote, everything will go back to normal... Unless he completely forgets about me... about us..."

"N-No... I'm confident... Something like that would stay with him forever! No way, I've never had that much faith in him! He's probably just avoiding it so we can concentrate on discovering the antidote... He couldn't forget, there's no doubt about it. He promised he'd never forget about me, about what we'd been through..."

"... I'm aware... I'm just going to keep it for myself... I suppose I should leave it up to him to decide what he knows and what he doesn't..." She rolled aside gently and moved toward her window when she became aware of a silhouette moving through the night.

"Was th-that somebody? B-But it's 11 p.m.; who would be watching the city at this hour?"

"No... What exactly am I pondering... I'm just exhausted after today... All I have to do now is close my eyes and inhale the cool night air..."

Tim, on the other hand, had remained awake while Ayuka had slowly given in to slumber across the hallway.

While having a late-night shower, he reached for the shampoo and applied it to his head.

"... I've put a lot of effort into my body today, but I couldn't help but take a break... I'm just praying I won't fall too far behind..."

He exited the shower and dried his body before swiftly changing into his trousers, brushing his teeth, and ultimately sitting on his bed.

However, as soon as it was completed, a knock on his door was heard, and he felt perplexed.

Nina raced inside his room, locking the door and slamming her back against Tim's torso as he opened the door.

"H-Hey? What's the issue, aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" Tim was confused until he noticed her turn around. "Tim, there was - Holy Crap, what exactly is your 'buffed-up body?!" She inquired, embarrassed by his buffed torso.

"W-What?" Tim was perplexed when he saw her bite into the nails. "Damn! I see how you get the girls now!" When she coughed, she averted her gaze.

"Could you just explain to me what happened?"

"Y-Yeah, but first... H-How did you get... *that*?" She inquired, her finger pointing to his buffed torso. He sighed and turned to the side, his arms crossed.

"Of sure, there would be some disparities when you practice for years and improve your body..."

"N-never mind, I have to speak with you about something right now."

"So hurry up and say what you've got to say. I was about to sleep for the day."

"So, I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep... But I noticed someone swimmingly moving through the shadows of the Spiritual Realm's building's rooftops... You should've seen them since they passed by."

"Actually..." he spoke, "I was having a shower..."

"Oh, so that's why your hair is still damp and you smell so good..."

"Okay, let's be serious... So, what if you happened to see someone? Why are you barging in as though something awful has happened?" Tim was puzzled, his face flushed at the words.

"Someone needed to know... That isn't a coincidence, in my opinion... It's got to be someone who could cause us harm... We must pursue them." Nina was pumped up and worried all at once.

"This is the 'Spiritual Realm,' and there are Spiritual Duelists all over the place, so expect some night guardians..." Tim asserted, oblivious to the fact that he was being overheard.

"No, no, no... Please pay attention to me! They were dressed in the strangest outfits... In the dark, it almost seemed scarlet, and it reminded me of trench coats... Tim, you've got to believe me on this one."

He muttered.

"And given how Spiritual Hoaxers dress, it's possible it's them. Let's at least look into it..."

"Alright, that's OK... We'll go, just give me a few seconds to get dressed..."

"Of course..."

Tim suited up and confused Nina after a few seconds of his time.

"Uhh... For this investigation, why do you need a trench coat? You typically fight in a hoodie, don't you?" Biting her nails, she pondered.

"I'm going to need some darker clothes and anything that will protect me from sweating... After all, I *just* got out of the shower, and now I'm probably going to get dirty again..."

"I'm sorry once more!" Nina bowed in front of him, her palms clasped together. "... don't give me *that*... It's a little off..."

"A-Anyway! It's time to get going! Let's move, they went in that direction!"

Tim jumped out the window, leaving Nina behind, and they both agreed.

"Erm... I'd appreciate *some* assistance, p-pretty please..." She confessed, embarrassed by her own stability. Tim looked up at her and said, "... oh right, I forgot... leap, I'll catch you."

"J-Jump?! Like, g-grab me and cradle me in your arms? You sure you don't mean that, r-right?" She swallowed hard, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"In the living room, Codey is still awake. We don't want to bother him, and we're afraid that if we go through the door, he'll bust us..."

"Y-Yeah, but..." Nina averted her gaze and began to fidget with her fingers. "Don't you think that's a little excessive?"

"Is it a little excessive? What exactly do you mean?" Tim inquired, oblivious to what she had been saying.

"I-I just have the feeling that catching me is a little... improper..."

"Are you serious, Nina? So, if you like, you can stay here and I'll go alone."

"N-No! Wait! F-Fine... I'll be there, but please be cautious about how you grab me."

Tim sighed and crossed his arms across his hips. "I wouldn't let you get crushed on the ground as a result of a fall, that's for sure... now speed up."

"Th-That's not what I meant!"

"O-Okay! (... this is a disaster...") She finally jumped over the window and swooped down on Tim, only to be grabbed beneath her waist.

She shivered violently as a result of what she had experienced.

But she was eventually let go. "As you can see, I told you."

Nina swallowed as her eyes swirled from what she had seen. "Y-Yeah, thanks..."

"There's no problem. Now, hurry up, which way did you say they went?"

She made a gesture to the south.

And with that, they both bolted in the same direction they had seen the shadow fleeing.

They were able to locate the shadow, and it was soon discovered to be a member of the Spiritual Hoaxers. With a shorter brown ponytail trailing behind her back and a mask covering her face, she appeared to be a girl.

Her scouting about and standing in front of the door, though, was odd.

On the other hand, Tim and Nina knelt on a rooftop, looking down at the girl.

She knocked and waited for someone to open after making sure no one was there.

"... man, what's taking him so long... for God's sake, can he hurry up..." Someone finally walked out, surprising both Nina and Tim.

In front of the girl stood a man with red hair shaped into a macho ponytail.


Both of them begged, their mouths covered in terror. "Did you obtain all of the information?" While standing in front of him, the girl wondered.

"Yes, I certainly did... Here..." Saraki placed a technological item in the woman's hand and instructed her to search through it.

"Tim... Do you have any idea what that gadget is?"

"What am I supposed to do if I don't know? I can't tell what's written on it since I can't see it..." He stated quietly while he waited. "But, dammit... I can't believe she's conversing with Saraki. What exactly is he thinking?!"

"T-Tim... I know this seems funny, but Q-Question. But, Spiritual Duelists, can't you detect other Spiritual Symbolism or whatever it's called?"

"Yes, we certainly can... Why are you asking that now?"

"I mean, I know you can lower the pressure, but how come they don't notice me? I'd never figured out how to suppress it."

"That's because you lack a Spiritual Blade and haven't been working on your Spirituality... So you don't have much to sense." While staring down at them, Tim explained.

"That's interesting... Thank you very much."

They then returned their attention to Saraki and the woman. "I was able to obtain the necessary information and data about them. Ayana, what else do you need me for?" Saraki enquired urgently, his gaze falling on her.

"Don't be concerned. You've done a fantastic job of conveying the facts to us. We only needed to know where they were and what they could do... Saraki, you've been huge assistance!" She chuckled as she slid the iPad between her bra straps.

"So, what's next? Do you intend to assault them in some way?" Saraki, irritated, wondered.

"Now, now, now... Relax for a moment. Why would we inform you of this? It's simply too dangerous; after all, you still don't have full-time trust. If we tell you the critical details, you might just ruin it for them... That wouldn't be much fun, would it?"

"... Tsch... It makes no difference... I don't give a damn, now get lost before someone notices you." Ayana nodded and took a step back, turning the other way.

"I'm curious... I'm sure we'll have some adorable fun after we show Genpaku this." Tim was irritated and had no intention of resisting assassination, but Nina intervened before he could.

"Let's not take it *too* far! We shouldn't act as the aggressor just yet."

"... Of course..." Tim then observed that Ayana had leaped away from Saraki, allowing him to examine the surroundings for any approaching adversaries.

"Thank goodness it's all clear..." He returned inside after closing the door.

"I can't believe one of your buddies would deceive you by doing something so heinous..." Nina opined before noticing Tim straightening up.

"... I'm used to it, but Saraki, of all people? I can't believe what I'm seeing... If he's on our adversary's side, we have no choice but to keep an eye on him. Who knows, he might reveal something at any point."

"I apologize... I don't think I'll be much of a help..." Nina claimed, her face flushed with embarrassment. "You were and will be, in fact. First and foremost, I would not have received this critical information if it weren't for you."

"Which one? In-Information?" She was perplexed.

"The first is Saraki's involvement with our opponents, and the second is the woman's name... Ayana. We can receive some critical information about her if we search it on our Zero Watch network. She was wearing the latest edition of the Zero Watch on her right wrist, after all. As a result, you were huge assistance in the end."

"What about the part - "will be" - I'm not able to fight?" Nina asserted, her gaze fixed on his. "If it's not too much trouble. After our training, you can be our scout and surreptitiously follow Saraki. I realize it's a lot, but you're the only one who can help us. Remember that while he won't be able to detect your Spiritual Symbolism, he will be able to detect mine or any other."

"Obviously... To keep your identity covered, you'd need some form of clothing, but I'm sure you can handle it, right?" Looking at her, Tim was perplexed.

"Y-You'd like me to follow him around all day and watch where he goes and what he does?"

"Correct. He might still have some important information stashed away in his brain cells. He also shouldn't expose you because he hardly knows you."

"Tim, on the other hand. What if he does, and I'm not up to the challenge? I've never tried anything like this before." She inquired, chewing her nails once more.

"Don't be concerned... On the Zero Watch, you have my contact information. You can inform me of your location if you contact me before he discovers you or if you believe he has discovered you. I'll be available to help you at any time."

She was considering the situation carefully, but then her confidence grew. "Yes, you've figured it out. I'll take care of it! I swear I'll do everything in my power to keep an eye on him!"

Tim gave her a wry grin and then burst out laughing. "H-Huh? What makes this so amusing?"

"Nothing at all! I'm just relieved! You've grown into a strong and confident woman from a girl who didn't know what she was doing! Take a look at yourself! Anyway, maintain your self-assurance to the utmost. I'm confident you'll be able to manage this task. With my secret technique, I'm almost there. I have complete faith in you."

Tim grabbed Nina's shoulder whose eyes sparkled and she immediately looked to the side, blushing. "Huh? What now? Did I say something wrong?"

"N-No... It's not that. It's just that..." She slowly started to cry. "H-Hey, what's up?"

"Nobody ever said that to me. Not even my parents, they never trusted me with anything."

That made Tim's curiosity grow. "What are you talking about?"

"... I-I shouldn't talk about it... Just forget it, I'm sorry! I'll do my best!" She immediately became serious, but still had her tears, making Tim a bit concerned.

"So, please, don't bother asking any more questions... I want to retain it for myself till the proper time comes."

"Let's just return to our dorm, wherever that may be. We should take it easy now in preparation for tomorrow."

Tim was perplexed; after all, he had been informed that her parents were ideal, yet everything changed at that precise instant.

"... okay, let's go... just rest, we'll be here for you if you ever need anything."

Nina nodded and brushed her tears away swiftly.

To be continued...