Day 1

I woke up to darkness today, I don't know what's happening outside but I'm hearing strange noises. I decided to cover my windows with iron bars and covers just in case something happens. The noises that I hear are almost unexplainable, it's like a flock of birds is on fire and you hear those blood curling screams. I just locked myself and baricaded the door. I am scared just because I'm all alone in this house and I woke up to pure horror. it's 1pm now and it's pitch black outside. I am too scared to even peek out of the windows. I should try to contact my parents and friends, maybe they know what is happening. I couldn't reach my parents and from the friends that I called only one of them answered. It was a chilling message, my friend just said hide and stay quiet for an hour. I listened to him, just because I didn't know what was happening. I hid in the closet, behind the trapdoor of my closet. For some reason I always liked those hidden rooms and places, so while I was building this house I added a couple of hidden rooms and places where I only know how to enter in the house. While I was hiding in this little square space while having a little peep hole to the closet, I heard some unexplainable noises and like someone was dragging something around my house. I was looking through the peep hole and I was horrified to my bones when I saw something that looked like a human walking in my house but it wasn't human at all. It had 6 horns on it's head and it was making noises, but the noises it was making as if it was talking backwards. I just stayed quiet, I saw the huge dagger like sickle on it's side covered in a black substance. I stayed in the hidden room for an hour while I couldn't see anything or hear anything anymore. Then I decided to call my friend to ask him what's happening. He answered and he told me that something weird is happening, apparently these demon like humans are taking every living thing that they see and marking them with a sickle knife. And everyone that is older than 30 is getting slaughtered by them. Now I understood some things, this friend that told me all of this has never said a lie to me before and I've known him for 20 years. I decided to get out of the closet to see what happened, I saw the door wide opened and the stool that I placed to baricade it was broken. I closed the door and decided to place a huge wardrobe in front of it. Now I felt safe, I looked around and saw burn marks on the floor in a linear manner. I found a thorn piece of paper, the paper is wet and feels like it's something else entirely, there is something written on it but I don't understand this. (deruoved eb lliw eh skram eh mohw)

I don't know what it means but I need to sleep, I'm tired. Tomorrow I need to find out what happened to my parents and are they alive.