Day 8

I've gone through hellish pain, pain that I have never felt in my life. I almost went insane from it but something clicked in my head and I just didn't care for the pain. I got used to my hand burning and regenerating. I got used to the torture to an extent where my mind state is like water. It is adaptable to any circumstance. My hand was freed and to my surprise it looked a lot different. It had glowing cracks on it but I still don't know how to use the hell flames. I went to my mother and my friend and told them to stay in this house, I will go out alone to save my father. I am no longer the same person, I am different. They agreed and stayed in the house while I went outside. As I walked outside I realized how beautiful the darkness was and it put a smile on my face. I didn't feel any fear, it's as if I was born this way. As I walked directly to the torture pit, I started hearing screams of demons that want to capture me. As they approached me, they realized that I'm not a regular human anymore. 3 demons were in front of me, a "Stage 1" demon and 2 underling demons. I punched a hole through the underlings in a split second and I crushed their hearts. Even I was amazed at my speed.

The "Stage 1" demon stabed my heart, since I was unkillable I walked through the entire sickle and grabbed the demons head with my right arm, when I did that the demons eyes and brain melted and poured out through it's nose. I wasn't fazed at all from that horrific sight. A new mark appeared on my left arm as I continued to approach the torture pit. I saw 6 kids, 6 adults and 6 old people chained up to the steel rods that were embedded deep in the ground. Those people were getting tortured every second, stabbed, sliced, impaled, burnt, decapitated, disembodied. All of the horrifying things you can imagine were happening to these people and the blood that was collecting to the centre of the pit never dried out it was like a stream. The demons that were torturing those people were all "Stage 1" demons. I approached the pit and I decided to use my right arm. I placed it in the blood and the blood started boiling, from the bubbles Hell fire came out and killed every single demon. I broke the chains of every single person that was chained, but I didn't find my dad anywhere. People wanted to follow me but I said no. I instructed them to go to their houses and to baricade themselves in so that they stay safe. I felt tired so I decided to head home and while I was walking back I found my fathers notebook that he used to carry with him. I picked it up and I saw a message written on the inside of it. The message said: "Collect all 7 marks and you will become the Honored one". As I walk this path filled with suffering and blood, more and more mysteries appear. I wonder where my father is and whether he is alive or not. I decided to head back home. I got home and explained everything to my friend and my mom. As I talked about the notebook that I found, my friend remembered one of the underling demons talking about a Honored demon that lives in the middle of this city. That is the next destination for me, I wonder if that demon is stronger than the rest of the demons. There must be a reason why he is called a Honored demon. Sometimes I ask myself what if all of this is just a dream, but the pain I felt yesterday was real. I base the reality on pain. I don't know how many days I will be able to keep my sanity. I am tired so I should get some rest. Even the immortal ones need sleep.