Too much information: Chapter Eight:

I woke up the next morning in my room and in my jamers. As the memories of the previous night rushed into my mind my eyes widened. I was very much hoping the whole mess of it was just a really terrible dream. I was being overloaded with information, with 'gifts', from the 'Gods'. I would like to be very honest with myself that before all of this I was rather sure that the 'Gods' were disdainful of us lowly mortals and thus would never interact with us to this level, but suddenly I had a pile of gifts sitting in the parlor from those very same Gods, not to even mention the Blessing of the Sun and Moon and their Stars. And just like that, the tea spilled over and I was having a panic attack on my bed. It was all just too much. Tears rolled down my cheeks and my mouth screamed in silent horror as I realized how much had changed in the course of a few days. I wasn't human. Gods were interested in my life and to top it all off I had some freaking system that I now had to appease.

[ Are you about done?]

As I heard the voice, it was as if cold water had been thrown on me and I was pulled from my panic and straight into shock.

"Who is there?!?!" I asked as I looked around the room trying to figure out what was going on.

[ I am the Destiny System. You have yet to give me a deginstation. I was told to wait for you to do so. And to help you out of your panic before my deployment.Your reaction was anticipated.]

The voice seemed chiper as it went on. And I narrowed my eyes at the realization that there was a calculating being who had known that all of this would throw me into this state. And to be frank I was pissed but also smart enough to know that there wasn't anything that I could do about it in my present state if the system itself could be believed. I was only on level one and did not even have an evolution yet.

[ Please read your manual to become accustomed to the situation. I will bring it out for you.]

Just like that a book the size of a notebook appeared in my lap. Cautiously, I opened it and began to read.

According to the book, the system was very similar to that of a video game or something from anime and literature. In short, if I wanted to check my status, I had to think of the word status through my link with the system and from there I could access a few things in that window that would appear only to me. However, at the moment the power of the system was limited due to not having a designation from myself as well as my being in a different realm than it was intended. These two points were made very clear as the information stated that it would not provide more until the system was given a designation. Rude.

"So, I guess I need to name it before I get more information about what it can and can't do as well as give you a name. How about….Tutu. Tt's pretty cute right?" I asked aloud.

[.....Sure...we will go with that.]

[Designation given and implemented….]

[Allowing further information to be accessed…]


Race: Fey Dragon Offspring

Bloodline: True God of Flame, True God of Nature and Feykind, True God of Souls and Dragonkind, True God of Magic. Imperial Dragon bloodline, Imperial Fey bloodline

[Notice: All True God bloodlines seal at current evolution. Please evolve to unlock]

Evolution: None

Level: 1 (Experience: 0/20)

Power: 0/2

Name: Helixii Dragona Titania

Titles: Grand Crown Princess

Beloved of the Gods

Sun and Moon Blessed

Hand of Destiny

[Notice: Not enough power to use titles. Please upgrade your power to use properly]

Magic School: Wild Magic (Novice Grade)

Soul Magic (N/A)

Skills: Transform (Human), Claw [Level 1], Bite [Level 1], Wind Cantrips [Level 1]





Wisdom: 20

Magic: 20

Inspire: 5

Inventory: Gifts from the realm of the Gods.

System designation: Tutu

Status: Basic

Upgrade Requirements: User increases evolution to second tier.

I frowned as I looked at the words that appeared in my mind. I was confused, since when did I enter a freaking video game.

[ Hey! I, Tutu, am the finest creation of the Goddess of Destiny. More-ever, ONLY you can see the system, and that in itself is broken enough. Got it?!]

[Countdown started. Please prepare for transportation.]

"The heck is going on?! Transportation to where?" I shouted not caring if I was using my outer voice or not.

[This system doesn't feel like explaining right now. And I have instructions to teleport when this system feels ready to do so. Be prepared little welp, you and your clan are GOING home with this system's help, of course.]

"Wait, wait. I am very very sorry, okay? I didn't realize that you had feelings! It's all my fault!"

[Too late, make it up to this system by upgrading her. And I was personally programmed to have a personality and soul by the Goddess. My job is to be YOUR best tool and friend but you suck and started off terrible. ONlY when you start your hard work will this system forgive you. HMPH!]