Chapter 10: Soundless Night:

New Quest Auto Generated and Accepted;

Huntress or Hunted? - Choose!


Survive Until Dawn

Kill 4 Wolves and keep their corpses (0/4)

Optional Tasks:

Keep body Condition of 50% or better (100%)

Find shelter

Kill 9 wolves in addition to main task

Kill Alpha Wolf


Forgiveness of Tutu increase by 20%


Skill Points

Additional Rewards generated after completion of extra goals

"How in the Gods' names am I supposed to fight them without a weapon, Tutu?!" I mentally shrieked at the system of doom

"Is it MY fault you haven't checked your gift box from your ancestors? Nope? Give it a go. There should be at least one sword in there knowing them. And a few other surprises too." Her tone spoke of her annoyed feelings about the issue. And frankly she wasn't all that wrong really.

Somewhere in between being frightened out of my gourd about a bunch of deities deciding to crash my birthday, and transport myself and my people into an unknown land, I missed the additional gifts she had so carefully tucked into herself.

"Right, right. I am an idiot for not expecting to be transported into a new world for my birthday, my bad." sarcasm dripped from my tone as I poked the box and it unloaded into my inventory in a blink of an eye. With a quick glance I found the first sword on the list and pulled it out of the magical space, just as quick.

By now I was more than sure of being surrounded, and outnumbered. Another howl rang out, much louder and much closer than the first one, A gray shaggy wolf with bright cerulean eyes stared at me before nodding towards me. A smug look of victory stamped its muzzle. Who knew, wolves can be smug asses too. New one for me.

It certainly didn't take its pack member log to start lunging at me one by one. Thanks to my skills I was able to passably dodge and block with my palty ability. Every wolf caused me to feel as if I had been hit by a truck and just barely survived. I wasn't going to keep going for long if this kept up.

"A little help here please!" as I fended off another ball of fur. "Not sure if you noticed, but I have zero idea what the hell I'm doing Tutu!"

"Follow your instincts! Or at least try!" She advised, "Come on, stick them with the pointy end, or is it the side? Never really was sure about that one….Get'em Hex! Give'em Hell Hel!" Shouting the last bit like a rabid fan at a football match.

With a bit of luck I managed not to crumble under the weight of the next wolf that was just at me and despite the protests of my entire body swing the sword at it before it was able to get out of my range. Thankfully, the sword was light enough for me to maneuver.

[ 10 exp]

My eyes widened as I managed to slash one of the wolves with my earlier moves. Or the first time in this fight, I felt like I might survive. There was a bit of hope there. Lucky strike or not, it was a start, now if only it could happen twice

With a bit more confidence, I managed to start to trust in my body, even as it yelled in return to the stress of each and every movement. One down, many more to go. Running might seem like the prime idea here but, that would show weakness and if anything I am sure of, its the fact that these wolves are faster than I am, stronger, and know the area better than I do. I am in their hunting grounds. My only real chance at survival is either to manage to kill them all and ekk out a bitter victory or to convince them that I am not the easy meal they thought I was. How to do that one might ask? By faking my way through this battle, though that is getting easier with every swing and managed parry.

[10 exp]

[10 exp]

[Level up! All stats +1 and relevant skills +1]

In a few seconds I had managed to catch two more wolves off guard, but that's where my luck ended. The Alpha, seeing three of its pack already fallen to my clumsy fighting, took action. Its speed and strength outclassed me by many times and with little to no ability to dodge. As the ball of fur the size of the SUV swung its massive clawed paw at me I found myself soaring through the air as a ticklish sensation ran the length of my back. In the corner of my eye I caught a glimmer of wings rapidly moving as I moved through the air. A second later, a loud thunk as my body collided with the old growth trunk of a tree a distance from the clearing.

"That hurt…." I groaned as I managed with more effort than it should to roll to my feet.

The wolves prowled towards me, the Alpha at the lead. Vicious light sparked in their eyes as the silver light of the moon bounced off of their gleaming carnines. If I did not do something it would only be all too soon that those canines would be glossed with the garsh red of my blood.

In that moment I was sure of one fucking thing, I did not want to die. Not yet. Hot fury raged through ,e as my body acted on its own. Like a berserker my body launched into the pack, preparing for an all out assault. Either they died or I did. This would be my stand, this would be the moment between life and death that would define my future. My resistance. My battle was not with every slash I made, I received another of my own in return.






Red painted the world around us as we continued our gory fight.

[10 exp]

[Level up! All stats +1 and relevant skills +1]

I was losing blood too fast and then suddenly I felt lighter, breathing was easier. The fuck?

'Idiot! Thank goddess for level up healing features! Otherwise you would be super dead!' Tutu very kindly managed to explain in a none too pleased tone.

"Well if I had known that…..this just became a whole hell of alot easier. Alright fuckers, come give this Princess your exp!" A wild grin spread across my lips. The prey was about to become the hunter, well huntress.

Finally, after what felt like hours I sat heavily panting in an encirclement of death. The pack was all but decimated. The wounded Alpha and I eyed the other wearily as the only two still breathing in the once peaceful clearing. Death and debris was now all that could be seen.

"You started this furball." I grumbled at the wolf.

It left out a low huff in annoyance as if complaining about its lot.

"Look, how about a truce? I don't kill you when I catch my breath and you be my guide. Though, try anything funny and you forfeit the right to life. Got it?" Trust the wolf? Not a chance! But the fact still remained, I was fuck all lost and had zero idea where I was or where I was going. I still needed to survive until morning, and shelter for the foreseeable future. Besides, if I could get it's oath, the moon, stars, and sun would bind it to its word. Granted the same stood for me on that end.

The wolf for its part watched me as it considered my words. I had noticed pretty early in the fight that it possessed an intellect of its own and a certain wisdom. If it had attacked pretty much anyone else, its chances of success would have been far greater. But it found me and Tutu, bad luck on its part.

With a wobble the wolf stood on all fours, causing me to up my guard again. Then it did the improbable it gracefully dipped into a bow as a small rumble came from its chest.

[Oath registered and added to System]

[Subordinate detected...]

[Detected no name. Please name to continue registration]

"The hell are you on about now Tutu?"

"You need to name her to add her to your system panels, love. Common sense please."

"So she's a she huh? Well how about….Loruna? Its better than just Luna right? Too simple yeah?"

I could feel Tutu roll her nonexistent eyes at me, "Yeah, right, better than Luna. Whatever you say Hexi." The sarcasm was clear as day.

[ Loruna has been added as a subordinate ]

'Can we go now little Fey? My pups still need me. The hunt was a failure so we will have to make do' The voice of a mature and grateful woman spoke into my mind. For a moment, I was confused until I realized that it came from the wolf, who to my greater shock was healing right in front of my eyes and her fur turning silver white. Maybe…I should have named her Luna after all….

Race: Fey Dragon Offspring

Bloodline: True God of Flame, True God of Nature and Feykind, True God of Souls and Dragonkind, True God of Magic. Imperial Dragon bloodline, Imperial Fey bloodline

[Notice: All True God bloodlines sealed at current evolution. Please evolve to unlock]

Evolution: None

Level: 1 (Experience: 0/20)

Power: 0/2

Name: Helixii Dragona Titania

Titles: Grand Crown Princess

Beloved of the Gods

Sun and Moon Blessed

Hand of Destiny

[Notice: Not enough power to use titles. Please upgrade your power to use properly]

Magic School: Wild Magic (Novice Grade)

Soul Magic (Novice Grade)

Skills: Transform (Human), Claw [Level 1], Bite [Level 1], Wind Cantrips [Level 1], Blade Wielding [Level 3] (+3), Athletics [Level 3] (+3), Reflexes [Level 3] (+3),


Strength:20 +3 = 23

Reflexes:20+3 = 23

Intrigue:50+3 = 53

Wisdom: 20+3 =23

Magic: 20+3 =23

Inspire: 5+3 = 8

Inventory: Gifts from the realm of the Gods.